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The Global Energy Transition Toward Decarbonization: a multi-scalar perspective and transformation

Milan, Italy
July 24-27, 2023

Poster Session
Biopolymer-based binder for electrodes of lithium-ion batteries

Hyoung-Joon Jin, Juhee Yoon, Geonhee Han

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Poster Session
Towards a carbon-free future: impacts of regulatory and market-based instruments in Germany

Smaranda Sgarciu, Felix Müsgens

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Poster Session
Public support and opposition toward floating offshore wind power development

Sharon Nytte, Frode Alfnes, Silja Korhonen-Sande

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Poster Session
Shocks and resiliency: the offshore wind supply chain

Ahti Simo Laido, Lena Kitzing, Fabian Wagner

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Poster Session
Impacts of the distribution grid on the European energy system prospective scenarios

Corentin Jacquier, Silvana Mima, Remy Rigo-Mariani, Vincent Debusschere, Jean-Nicolas Louis

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Poster Session
Low-carbon strategies’ forecasts within the framework of different geoconomic scenarios of Ukraine

Pierluigi Nichilo

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Poster Session
Energy Efficiency & Climate Protection Networks as vehicles for exchange between Industry, Academia, and Policymakers

Ryan Harper, Andrej Guminski

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Plenary Session
Financing energy transition: trends and criticalities in the o-fire research activity

Susanna Dorigoni

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Plenary Session
Financing the energy transition

Luciano Lavecchia

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Plenary Session
Financing the energy transition

Claudio Petrolini

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Plenary Session
The hydrogen role for the clean energy revolution

Giovanna Pozzi

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Plenary Session
Social impact of energy transition: energy communities

Chiara Candelise

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Plenary Session
Social impact of energy transition: energy communities

Barbara Terenghi

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Plenary Session
Sustainable mobility: Role and challenges of the European automotive sector - Electrification of mobility

Amela Ajanovic

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Plenary Session
Why do we need low carbon and renewable fuels to decarbonise transport sector?

Franco Del Manso

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Plenary Session
Is electrification a driver for sustainable mobility?

Silvio Nocera

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Plenary Session
Sustainable mobility, the role and challenges of the European automotive sector: Greenture

Andrea Ricci

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Plenary Session
The energy security concerns in an ever changing geopolitical context: Security of European energy supply

Anne Neumann

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Plenary Session
Regulatory challenges for the European electricity markets in a renewable-based energy system: the EU new market design - ERG

Alessandro Lagostena

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Plenary Session
Regulatory challenges for the European electricity markets in a renewable-based energy system: the EU new market design - EDISON

Andrea Pompa

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Plenary Session
Clean energy technologies and critical raw materials - UTILITALIA

Luca Mariotto

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Plenary Session
Clean energy technologies and critical raw materials - University of Pisa

Simone D'Alessandro

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Plenary Session
Potential energy carriers and related critical minerals for the energy transition

Giuseppe Bellussi

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Plenary Session
Critical raw materials in green economy: possible solutions

Bruno Cova

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Plenary Session
The energy industry challenges towards a net zero economy - Edison

Valeria Olivieri

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Plenary Session
The energy industry challenges towards a net zero economy - Eni

Marco Piredda

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Plenary Session
The energy industry challenges towards a net zero economy

Feliice Egidi

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Plenary Session
Grid security and energy storage

Alessio Cipullo

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Plenary Session
Grid security and energy storage

Iain Staffell

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Plenary Session
COP28 in Dubay: challenges, opportunities, solutions

Francesco Favaro'

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Optimal investment strategies for hydrogen mobility infrastructure considering indirect network effects and competitions

Saedaseul Moon, Deok-Joo Lee

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Spatial Incentives for Power-to-hydrogen through Market Splitting

Marco Sebastian Breder, Felix Meurer, Michael Bucksteeg, Christoph Weber

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
A Merit-Order for End-Uses of Hydrogen

Albin Kasser, Maryam Sadighi

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
The long-term costs of delaying carbon taxation in the oil sector

Léo Jean

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
One great pool, but with varying depth: dynamic efficiency of global crude oil markets

Sania Wadud, Kingsley E. Dogah, Marc Gronwald

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Station Heterogeneity and Asymmetric Gasoline Price Responses

Emmanuel Asane-Otoo, Bernhard C. Dannemann

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Increasing Electrical Vehicle Adoption with personalized nudging

Jonas Savelsberg, Ursa Bernardic, Davide Cerruti, Masssimo Masssimo, Filippini Filippini, Giuseppe Ugazio

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
May I? Enabling the sharing of private charging infrastructure

Paul Fabianek, Rüdiger von Nitzsch, Reinhard Madlener

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Innovative local energy concepts with e-mobility charging for residential buildings

Jana Schneeloch, Ziqian Wang

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Early electrifiers: individual profile and impact of the energy crisis

Alessandra Motz, Stefano Scagnolari

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Assessment of regional peer-to-peer electricity trading

César De Jesús Tábora, Sourabh Somwanshi, Niklas Hartmann

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Reserve prices in renewable-based power system

Laureen Deman, Cédric Clastres, Afzal S. Siddiqui, Quentin Boucher

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Optimal Arbitrage with Limit Orders in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets

Takuji Matsumoto, Derek Bunn

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Risks and incentives for gaming in electricity redispatch markets

Anna Pechan, Christine Brandstätt, Gert Brunekreeft, Martin Palovic

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The energy community and the grid

Julien Jacqmin, Axel Gautier, Jean-Christophe Poudou

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Local Energy Communities: valuing flexibility for power market design and grid investment planning

Mirindra Andriantsilavina, Rodica Loisel, Lionel Lemiale, Jean-François Rambaud, Julien Moreau

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
A framework for multiple-participation in Energy Communities

Ivan Mariuzzo, Bernadette Fina, Stefan Stroemer

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Welfare implications of renewable energy communities. individual versus collective approach

Rodica Loisel, Lionel Lemiale

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Lessons for the Organization of Nuclear Decommissioning from the UK and the US: Risks, Challenges, and Opportunities

Alexander Wimmers, Christian von Hirschhausen

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Energy Specializations: Nuclear Power

Concurrent Session
The Economics of Flexible Nuclear Generation in Low-Carbon Power Systems: a Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming Approach

Ange Blanchard, Olivier Massol

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Energy Specializations: Nuclear Power

Concurrent Session
Economic value of nuclear power in future energy systems; required subsidy in various scenarios regarding future renewable generation and electricity demand

Machiel Mulder, Arjen Veenstra

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Energy Specializations: Nuclear Power

Concurrent Session
The system-value of competing energy storage

Maximilian Parzen

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Assessing Potential of Electrified Transport for Enhancing Flexibility in Integrated Renewable Energy Systems

Parinaz Aliasghari, Leonard Göke

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The role of storage and hedging in risk-averse electricity markets equilibrium

Sining Liu

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The evolving competitive landscape for energy storage technologies over the coming decade

Iain Staffell, Oliver Schmidt

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Cofinancing and infrastructure project outcomes in Chinese overseas development finance

Yangsiyu Lu, Cecilia Springer, Bjarne Steffen

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Lessons from municipal networks for mutual support: Empowering municipalities to lead the transition towards a low-carbon society

Sven Alsheimer, Uta Burghard, Markus Fritz

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Long-term impact of increasing fossil fuel prices and market design on the market values of wind and solar power

Thorsten Weiskopf, Florian Zimmermann, Emil Kraft

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Local employment creation through clean electricity generation – an analysis for Brazil and a staggered difference-in-difference approach

Swaroop Rao, David Grover, Dorothée Charlier

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
The value of vehicle-to-grid for the Swiss electricity system

Ambra Van Liedekerke, Marius Schwarz, Blazhe Gjorgiev, Giovanni Sansavini

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Climate change impacts on public policy governing Turkish electric vehicle market development

Haluk Sayar, Cem Avci

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Environmental valuation of the benefits of electric vehicles and their cost benefit analysis in developing countries in the case of Turkey

Cem Tiranlar, Cem Avci

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Emerging inquiries in the electric vehicle battery materials sector: synthesis of key themes and agenda for energy economics research

Rubal Dua

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Development of future cross-border pipelines in the Black Sea – A legal perspective

Ada Maria Butnaru

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Modeling the Long-Term Demand of Oil Emerging from Petrochemical feedstocks Worldwide

Raed Al-Mestneer, Carlo Andrea Bollino

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Expanding natural gas cross-border flows in Europe through the optimal use of the pipeline grid: a stylized model comparison

Christian von Hirschhausen, Nikita Moskalenko, Lukas Barner, Franziska Holz, Konstantin Löffler, Björn Steigerwald

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Long-term development of European natural gas markets – scenario analysis using the global gas model (GGM)

Lukas Barner, Ruud Egging-Bratseth, Franziska Holz, Claudia Kemfert, Björn Steigerwald, Christian von Hirschhausen

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
The EU electricity markets under reform: consensus, disagreements and unknowns

David Ribó-Pérez, Laurens de Vries, Kenneth Bruninx

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
A restructured Moroccan electricity market and its interaction with the Iberian power market

Anas Damoun, Aitor Ciarreta, Maria Paz Espinosa

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Lithuanian long-term electricity market price predictions based on regression analysis and natural gas futures

Mindaugas Cesnavicius Inga Konstantinaviciute

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Typologies of energy community initiatives and their social implications

Bernadette Fina, Selin Yilmaz, Frederike Ettwein, Na Li, Andrea Werner

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Measuring sustainable development in energy communities: Policy implications for sustainable and optimized community behaviour

Matthias Maldet, Georg Lettner, Daniel Schwabeneder, Christoph Loscha

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Energy and decarbonization scenarios of local renewable energy communities: Berchidda municipality

Nicolás Pardo-García

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Nuclear Support Schemes in Dynamic U.S. Electricity Markets

Muhammad Maladoh Bah

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Energy Specializations: Nuclear Power

Concurrent Session
Redevelopment trajectories of nuclear sites. the cases of Brunsbüttel and Fessenheim

Belinda Ravaz, Pierre-Henri Bombenger, Massimiliano Massimiliano, Capezzali Capezzali, Teva Meyer, Brice Martin

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Energy Specializations: Nuclear Power

Concurrent Session
What Role for Nuclear Energy in Energy Transition: SMRs –a game changer for nuclear energy?”

Noura Mansouri, Adnan Shihab-Eldin, Charles McCombie, Holger Rogner, Robert Budnitz, Robert Schock

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Energy Specializations: Nuclear Power

Concurrent Session
The opportunity costs of environmental exclusion zones for renewable energy deployment

Paul Lehmann, Philip Tafarte

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Working together, decarbonizing better? a relational view of collaborations for SCOPE 3

Johanna Schulze-Berge

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Towards Carbon Neutrality and Energy Independence in Europe: Can New Storage and Renewables Push Fossil Fuels Out?

Milien Dhorne, Marc Baudry

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Electricity storage probability in Western Balkan countries

Zejneba Topalovic

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Short and long term storage needs in the future power system: A case study of Austria

Marlene Sayer, Reinhard Haas, Amela Ajanovic

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Multicriteria Analysis for Energy Storage Valuation: Economic Simulation of Energy Scenarios in Islands Grids

Antoine Debille, Rodica Loisel

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The effect of deploying large-scale energy storages in Italy

Iacopo Savelli, Marco Percoco

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The insurance value of renewable energies

Thibault Deletombe, Hyun Jin Julie Yu, Patrice Geoffron

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
The Impact of Sustainable Innovation Finance on Global Climate Goals

Lena Schreiner, Reinhard Madlener

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The role of state investment banks for renewable energy technologies in OECD countries

Paul Waidelich, Bjarne Steffen

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
Net metering scheme for solar energy: how are costs and benefits distributed between households with and without solar panels?

Carlotta Masciandaro, Michaela Kesina, Machiel Mulder

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Time is Money: the Social Benefits of Time-of-use Tariffs

Bowei Guo, Ao Sun, Feng Song

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
How power prices and renewables’ market values differ between near-optimal future energy systems

Jonas Finke, Valentin Bertsch, Christoph Weber

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Hydrogen in the European power sector – a case study on the impacts of regulatory frameworks for green hydrogen

Julian Radek, Marco Sebastian Breder, Christoph Weber

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Hydrogen Strategy towards Energy Transition: Comparative Analysis of UK and Germany

Saheed Bello, David Reiner

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Assessing Hydrogen Economy Development in Egypt: Evaluation of Sustainable Hydrogen Production Technologies Using FAHP Analysis

Ibrahim Kshanh, Makoto Tanaka

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Assessing The Impact Of Climate Change On The Offshore Production of Green Ammonia

Luke Hatton

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
On the future relevance of electric vehicles: pro’s and con’s

Amela Ajanovic

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Energy Cost Information and Electric Vehicle Purchase Decisions – Preliminary Results from a Large-scale Randomized Controlled Trial

Ivan Petrov, James Carroll, Eleanor Denny

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
The Impact of the Weather on Electric Vehicle Fleet Demand

Daniel Mehlig Iain Staffel

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Driving change: exploring the potential of carbon pricing to accelerate electric vehicle adoption

Timm Hoefer

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Is globalization, de jure and de facto, triggering capital flight in the African economies and making them a world’s environmental net creditor?

Patricia Leal, António Cardoso Marques

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Concurrent Session
The process and annual review report of Taiwan energy transition whitepaper

Tunghung Chueh, Ting-Hung Wang, Hsiu Chuan Lin, Ming Lung Hung

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Concurrent Session
The energy autonomy of reunion island confronted with land use conflicts

Nikolaos Papastefanakis, Valentin Russeil, Sandrine Selosse

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Concurrent Session
Strategies for net zero: tensions between environmental and economic goals for smaller regions

Kevin Connolly, David Comerford, Ciara Crummey

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Concurrent Session
Enabling choice in a monopolistic retail electricity market

Héctor Ramírez Ingmar Schlecht, Ali Darudi

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Exploring the impact of electric retail rates and network tariffs on decarbonising residential energy demand

Roman Hennig, Francesco Sanvito, David Ribó Pérez, Laurens de Vries, Stefan Pfenninger, Simon Tindemans

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The impact of information policies and loyalty programs on consumer switching choices in energy retail markets

Hester Huisman, Evert de Haan, Machiel Mulder, Jaap Wieringa

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
From awareness to action: Energy literacy and household energy use

Laura Andolfi, Rawan Akkouch Ivan Pavic

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Household energy efficiency behaviours and investments in Egypt: the role of energy and financial literacy

Hatem Azzam, Mark Olsthoorn, Joachim Schleich

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Acceptance of climate-oriented housing policies – a comparison between homeowners and tenants in Germany

Tom Schütte, Thilo K. G. Haverkamp, Heike Wetzel, Andreas Ziegler

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Integrating demand-supply decarbonization efforts in the buildings sector: a modelling assessment for France

Célia Escribe, Lucas Vivier, Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet, Philippe Quirion

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Dynamic (Mis)allocation of Investments in Solar Energy

Nicolas Hatem, Nicolas Astier

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Volatility in Solar Renewable Energy Certificates: Jumps and Fat Tails

Charles Mason, Neil A. Wilmot

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Barriers affecting distributed solar PV generation in Chile: a developers’ perspective

Shahriyar Nasirov, Paula Gonzalez, Jose Opazo, Claudio Agostini

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Techno-economic analysis of a building applied PV system

Muhammad Asif, Mohammed Qannan

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
How Pyrolysis as a Negative Emission Technology Can Guide the Expansion of the German Power System Toward Climate Neutrality

Anna Sandhaas, Meritxell Domènech Monfort, Anas Abuzayed, Niklas Hartmann

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
EU Emission Trading and Aluminium Imports: Empirical Evidence for Carbon Leakage

Jacob Thran

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
EU’s suggested carbon border adjustment mechanism – industrial effects for a small open economy within the coalition

Brita Bye, Kevin R. Kaushal, Halvor B. Storrøsten

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
How Many Jobs the EU CBAM Can Save: A Regional Perspective

Sigit Perdana, Marc Vielle

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Analysis of the value of additional flexibility provided by community battery storages for the German electricity system

Simon Koderer, Michael Hinterstocker, Joachim Ferstl

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Planning grid expansion with battery storage under renewables size and location uncertainties

Adrienne de Bazelaire, Yannick Perez, Vincent Rious, Kutluhan Pak, Olivier Massol

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Multi-Objective Auctions for Utility-Scale Solar Battery Systems: Lessons for ASEAN and East Asia

Natsuko Toba, Tooraj Jamasb, Luiz Maurer, Anupama Sen

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Storage batteries as both complements and substitutes to cross-border interconnections

Andrea Biancardi, Carla Mendes Iain Staffell

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Market-Induced factors and dynamism in carbon dioxide emissions in selected three major economies of Sub-Saharan Africa

Nasir Aminu, Yi Wang, Mahe Shehu, Nick Clifton

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Differentiating the costs of capital for low-carbon technologies

Mak Dukan

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Understanding the similarities and differences in decarbonisation scenarios derived from different building stock models

Ece Özer, Lukas Kranzl, Andreas Müller, Robin Krekeler, Sirin Alibas, Behnam Zakeri, Theofano Fotiou

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Weather conditions as challenge for the electricity systems of the future

Marius Goerge, Stefan Vögele, Andrew Ross

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Analysis of commissioning timelines of renewable energy projects

Anurag Gumber, Riccardo Zana, Bjarne Steffen

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Improving flexibility procurement: options for product standardization

Sarah Fanta, Ksenia Tolstrup, Viktor Zobernig, Markus Riegler, Lukas Obernosterer

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Aggregation of intermittent renewables in energy market models: capturing correlations and extreme events

Martin Densing, Yi Wan

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Prospects of pipeline infrastructure development for hydrogen integration into the European energy system towards 2050

Jonathan Hanto, Philipp Herpich, Konstantin Löffler, Karlo Hainsch, Nikita Moskalenko

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
The Industry Transformation from Fossil Fuels to Hydrogen will reorganize Value Chains: Big Picture and Case Studies for Germany

Nima Farhang-Damghani, Philipp Runge, Jonas Egerer, Veronika Grimm

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Industrial planning with Input-Output models: empirical evidence from low-carbon hydrogen in France

Raphaël Guionie, Rodica Losel, Lionel Lemiale, Mathias Guerineau

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Realizing sector coupling in Europe and beyond: the future role of electricity and gas grids

Hans-Christian Gils, Manuel Wetzel, Jens Schmugge, Hedda Gardian

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Europe’s independence from Russian natural gas – Effects of a complete import stop on energy system development

Nikita Moskalenko, Konstantin Löffler, Karlo Hainsch, Jonathan Hanto, Philipp Herpich

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Variable renewable energy droughts in the power sector – a model-based analysis and implications in the European context

Alexander Roth, Martin Kittel

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Spatially-explicit probabilistic projections of granular energy technology diffusion at subnational level

Nik Zielonka, Wen Wen, Xin; Trutnevyte, Evelina Evelina

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Breaking borders with JETRA: empowering long-term contracts and forward market coupling in Europe – Why nodal pricing reform is essential

Diyun Huang, Geert Deconinck

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The impact of climate change on electricity generation and demand profiles

Franziska Schöniger

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Using budget allocation optimization technique (KNAPSACK method) to improve the energy efficiency and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of a university campus

Fehmi Gorkem Uctug, Eylul Senoztop

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
arying Price Elasticities of Energy Carrier Specific Demand in the Residential Sector

Anita Thonipara

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Agent-based simulation of pathways towards neighbourhood-level building retrofits

Ardak Akhatova, Lukas Kranzl

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Comparison of CO2 and cost-optimised energy system for a residential building in Germany

Oliver Woll, André Eggli, Marco Kunz

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
How aggregate electricity demand responds to hourly wholesale price fluctuations

Oliver Ruhnau, Lion Hirth, Tarun M Khanna

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Impact of demand-responsive industrial sector on the energy system: a detailed disaggregation of the industrial SME’s sector in Germany

Anas Abuzayed, Mario Liebensteiner, Niklas Hartmann

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Demand Response Supply Estimation with Smart Meter Data

Olvar Bergland, Anamika Dubey, Grishma Manandar, Alan Love

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Firm supply of demand resources and CRM cost allocation

Paulo Brito-Pereira, Pablo Rodilla, Paolo Mastropietro, Carlos Batlle

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Carbon Pricing Co-Benefits for Countries

Marjan Nazifi, Rohan Best

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Endowment or skills? what’s driving corporate performance in EU emissions trading

Joachim Schleich, Sascha Lehmann, Jonatan Pinkse

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
How effective are carbon prices for reducing emissions? empirical evidence from Australia and Slovenia

Govinda Timilsina, Daniel Kraynak; Anna Alberini

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The role of model foresight on the effectiveness of carbon pricing in energy system models – a case study of the German building and transport sector

Alexander Burkhardt, Markus Blesl

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
How Digitalization and Financial Advancement Contribute to the Green Energy Transition: The Malaysian Experience

Nurcan Kilinc-Ata, Al-Qasimia University, UAE UAE

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Concurrent Session
Cybersecurity perspectives in the energy and power sector: an overview

Ahmed Albalawi, Khalid Alhadhrami, Faris Aljamed

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Concurrent Session
Artificial intelligence for assessing the security of electricity supply

Philipp Daun, Marius Tillmans, Jan Priesmann, Aaron Praktiknjo

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Concurrent Session
Conditions for competitive, sustainable and democratic electricity systems

Reinhard Haas

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Impact of Newspaper Language on Technology Adoption Speed: A Closer Look at the US Energy Sector

Jeana Tianyi Ren

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Analyzing the impact of macroeconomic factors on renewable and non-renewable energy markets post COVID-19

Soumya Basu, Hideyuki Okumura

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Assessing climate mitigation benefits of public support to CCS-EOR: an economic analysis

Hossa Almutairi, Axel Pierru

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Unlocking the potential of clean energy startups: commercializing scientific breakthroughs to solve humanity’s grand challenges

Sophia Spitzer

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Energy living labs – an instrument to develop a clear path for innovations in the context of sustainable smart city developments

Philipp Riegebauer

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The Carbon Reduction Index Funds: Evidence of a Double Bottom Line Effect in the Japanese Stock Market

Hiroshi Ishijima, Masato Yamamoto, Akira Maeda

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Assessing the economic value of underground hydrogen storage for Germany’s energy supply security

Ange Blanchard, Megy Camille, Massol Olivier, Lepaul Sébastien

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Is Power-to-Gas always beneficial? The implications of ownership structure

Olivier Massol, Camille Megy

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Nuclear energy-based hydrogen production: a cost analysis of diverse geographical region

Jameel Pulavar Jamhar

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Hydrogen storage for a net zero carbon future

Aliaksei Patonia, Rahmat Poudineh

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Establishment and development of California’s fuel cell electric vehicle market. Lessons learned for the EU member states

Pawel Brusilo

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Zero-emission peaker from heavy-duty vehicle fuel cells and salt cavern hydrogen storage

Emilia Chojkiewicz, Amol Phadke

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
The hidden financial costs of intermittent power generation

Angela Torres Corona, Sophie Moina, Sébastien Pouget

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Power system decarbonization in a world of risk-averse investors and incomplete markets

Emil Dimanchev, Steven A. Gabriel, Lina Reichenberg, Magnus Korpas

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Model design for the analysis of market-based redispatch – applying deep reinforcement learning algorithms

Viktor Zobernig, Ksenia Tolstrup, Jochen Cremer, Laurens de Vries

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Market Equilibria in Cross-Border Balancing Platforms

Jacques Cartuyvels, Gilles Bertrand, Anthony Papavasiliou

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Fuel Poverty and Access to Recreation Activities

Rosy Fares, Anna Risch

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Energy poverty across Spain: before and during crisis

Elisenda Jove, Elisa Trujillo; Daniel Davi

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Reducing distributed generators connection requests queue on the distribution network through conditional agreements

Federico De Santi, Erik Delarue, Leonardo Meeus

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Evaluating Cost-Reflective Distribution Network Tariffs: Social Welfare and Allocation of Network Costs

Floris van Montfoort, Sina Ghaemi, Machiel Mulder

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Revisiting the climate stabilisation wedges: a framework for decarbonising the economy by 2050

Nathan Johnson Iain Staffell

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The impact of carbon pricing on local economic performance: evidence from EU-ETS

Ireri Hernandez Carballo, Gian Maria Mallarino, Marco Percoco

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Carbon risk and green steel investments: Real Options Analysis and MonteCarlo simulations to assess decarbonization policies

Simon Lang, Frédéric Lantz

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Evaluation of emission reduction performance of electric vehicles under various climatic and driving conditions

Esin Tetik Kollugil, Kemal Sarica, Y. Ilker Topcu

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Are proxy advisors biased towards ESG? an analysis of voting decisions in European countries

Alexandra Knoth

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Strategy and diversification options for oil and gas majors in the sustainable energy transition

Krista Halttunen, Raphael Slade Iain Staffell

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Exploring determinants of energy efficiency and renewable energy investments in SMEs

Nevenka Hrovatin, Janez Dolšak, Jelena Zoric

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
How do environmental regulation and energy transition shape the global value chains? The threshold effect and a sectoral perspective

Rafaela Vital Caetano, António Cardoso Marques, Tiago Lopes Afonso

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
A U-shaped relationship hypothesis on corporate financial performance and ESG behavior

Akira Maeda, Hiroshi Ishijima

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
The effects of mandatory ESG disclosure regulation on company and investor behavior: an experimental approach

Julius C. Baumgart

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
Social acceptability under the business model lens

Eduardo Méndez-León, Anne-Lorene Vernay, Carine Sebi

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
Green Bonds and the Energy Transition: Efficiency and Social Inequalities

Verónica Acurio Vásconez, Olivier Damette

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
How economic development affects ecological footprint: a comparative analysis of developed vs. developing economies

Monika Gupta, Aayush Sheth

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Leading by example? spill-over effects of the European green capital award on citizens’ climate protection activities

Corinne Faure, Joachim Schleich

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Capacity tariffs and DSO-side down-regulation as grid-relieving measures in future low voltage distribution systems

Soner Candas, Thomas Hamacher

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Dealing with Local Network Peaks Due to Simultaneous EV Charging: Volumetric or Capacity Network Tariffs?

Graham Turk, Tim Schittekatte, Pablo Dueñas Martínez

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Assessing the effect of environmental feebate of private cars on economic welfare

Yanai Ankaoua, Ofir Rubin, Stav Rosenzweig, Aviv Steren, Ziv Bar-Nahum

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
A switching regime model for the estimation of marginal emission factors and the implementation of smart charging strategies

Souhir Ben Amor, Taimyra Batz, Smaranda Sgarciu, Felix Müsgens

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Improving the Coordination between Electricity and Gas Systems: A Distributed Market-Clearing Approach

Aiko Schinke-Nendza, Christoph Weber, Antonio J. Conejo

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Changes in German pipeline retrofitting potential after the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Lucas De La Fuente, Domink Möst

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Exploring the role of Europe in the global LNG market equilibrium until 2040

Sebastian Zwickl-Bernhard, Marcus Otti, Antonia Golab, Hans Auer

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
A two-stage approach to represent the daily LNG carriers unloading in natural gas optimization models

Diana Navarrete-Cruz, Antonio Bello, Pablo Rodilla

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Financial Contracts for Differences

Ingmar Schlecht, Christoph Maurer, Lion Hirth

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Right and duty: Investment risk under different renewable energy support policies

Peio Alcorta, Maria Paz Espinosa, Cristina Pizarro-Irizar

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Designing Contracts for Difference for the EU Power Market: Trade-off between Incentives and Risks

Kevin Favre, Fabien Roques

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Towards a Zero Emission Electricity Sector: A Pan-European Structural Electricity Integrated Model to assess Italian Power Generation and Transmission Expansion Pathways

Annamaria Zaccaria, Edoardo Somenzi, Giulia Iacovissi, Federico Pontoni, Filippo Del Grosso

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Analyzing differences in household’s renewable technology profiles: a comparison of sociopsychological characteristics

Stephanie Stumpf, Daniel Sloot

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Strong price signals: residential electricity demand when the price is zero

Anna Alberini, Levan Bezhanishvili, Milan Scasny

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Prosumager impact on electricity load profiles: a model comparison

Philipp Mascherbauer, Lukas Kranzl, Songmin Yu, Georgina Asimakopoulou

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Analysis of the potential to leverage price volatility through flexibility options in a local energy system

Chuen-Fung Tang, Marius Tillmanns, Frieder Borggrefe, Jan Priesmann, Aaron Praktiknjo

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Specifying energy grids development needs in sample living quarters

Siamak Sheykhha, Reinhard Madlener

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Integrating prosumers into a fully decarbonized European wholesale electricity market

Silke Johanndeiter, Niina Helistö, Juha Kiviluoma, Valentin Bertsch

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The influence of uncertainty on the decarbonisation of the specialty chemicals industry

Paul Tautorat, Jasper Iversen, Tobias S. Schmidt, Bjarne Steffen

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The impact of decarbonising the iron and steel industry on the CO2 emissions of the European power system

Annika Boldrini, Derck Koolen

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Comparative techno-economic analysis of industrial technologies for achieving carbon neutrality in steel and cement production

Hanhee Kim, Alejandra Barrera, Niklas Hartmann

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Deep defossilization in German industry – A techno-economic analysis of low-carbon options

Hendrik Scharf

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The geopolitics of energy transition in 2023

Jean-Pierre Favennec

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Energy transitions – lessons from the great depression

Christopher Kennedy

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The Macroeconomic Risks of the Transition to a low-carbon economy

Angélique Sarre, Frédéric Ghersi, Magali Mellon, Aurélien Peffen

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The energy transition in the global south

Roberta Rabellotti, Rasmus Lema

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Feels like a bargain? The role of emotions in shaping cost perceptions and renewable energy technology adoption

Julia Loder

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Modelling renewable transformation paths considering hyperbolic discounting

Michael Bucksteeg

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Environmental trade-offs of (de)centralized renewable electricity systems

Felix Reutter, Paul Lehmann

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Transformative mechanisms in decarbonization policies: a structured approach

Cristina Sousa, Margarida Fontes, Nuno Bento

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Environmental Impact of Load Shifting Agent

Clarisse Dupont, Olga Kuryatnikova, Yashar Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, Derek Bunn

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Implication of forest carbon offset for energy investments and climate change mitigation cost

Camilla Moioli, Laurent Drouet, Dominik Roeser, Johannes Emmerling, Jeanine Rhemtulla, Hisham Zerriffi

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Climate Change Risk Evaluation and its Effects on Individual’s Concern: The case of Italian Municipalities

Francesco Savazzi, Maria Eugenia Sanin

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The geopolitics of hydrogen – three quantitative-qualitaitve scenarios

Dawud Ansari, Lukas Barnerý, Rosa Melissa Gehrung, Franziska Holzý, Franziska Holz, Jacopo Maria Pep

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
The place of the MENA region in the international hydrogen trade, a technical-economic analysis based on TIAM-FR

Charlène Barnet, Sandrine Selosse, Nadia Maizi

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Exploring the Complexity of the Transition to Low-Emission Hydrogen: A Dynamic Simulation Approach

Reza Fazeli

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Offshore grid planning with coordinated investment in generation, storage, and transmission

Christoph Graf, Yury Dvorkin, Saroj Khanal, Burcin Ünel

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Intermittency reduction: Wind Timeseries analysis

Kheirreddine Sari, Benoît Mulkay, Boris Solier

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Tracing the costs of local opposition to energy infrastructure: Empirical insights from the case of wind energy

Magdalena Klemun, Tongyao Zhang

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Modelling CO2 pipeline systems: An analytical lens for CCS regulators

Adrien Nicolle, Diego Cebreros, Olivier Massol, Emma Jagu Schippers

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Effects of fossil fuel prices on the Japanese electricity market during crisis

Kentaka Aruga

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
The Global fossil energy prices trend analysis under the impact of climate change by visualization techniques

Huei-chu Liao, Yi-Hsin Sun

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Future Electricity Market Designs for a Carbon-neutral Switzerland: Challenges and Solutions

Ali Darudi, Hanne Weigt

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Market designs for high shares of renewable energy in the UK Presenter: Carla Mendes, Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London, UK

Carla Mendes Iain Staffell, Richard Green

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Capacity mechanisms in a highly renewable electricity market with flexible resources

Ingrid Janet Sanchez Jimenez, Laurens de Vries

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Excess Heat as a Sustainable Energy Source for District Heating: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective

Muhammad Bilal Siddique, Nikita Padmadas, Per Sieverts Nielsen

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Supporting waste heat recovery and reuse across European countries: the contribution of the EMB3Rs Tool

Mafalda Cohelo da Silva, Ana Cardoso, Miha Jensterle

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Modelling District Heating Supply Patterns of EU-27 in a Decarbonized Energy System in 2050

Ali Kok, Anna Billerbeck, Pia Manz, Lukas Kranzl

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
The effect of transmission network unbundling and ownership structure on European electricity sector performance

Lennard Rekker, Machiel Mulder, Michaela Kesina

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Build back better? transmission planning in an imperfectly competitive power sector with environmental externalities

Farzad Hassanzadeh Moghimi, Trine K. Boomsma, Afzal S. Siddiqui

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Empirical analysis of Transmission System Operators pricing behaviors on electricity balancing markets

Florent Cogen, Fabien Roques, Virginie Dussartre, Emily Little

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Sequential coordination of power generation and network investments: the role of renewable incentives

Bibata Sagnon, Haikel Khalfallah

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The Circular Carbon Economy Technology Roadmaps: A Methodology for Net-Zero

Noura Mansouri, Fateh Belaid, Aljawhara Alquayid

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
An energy system optimization model with life-cycle assessment perspective

Thushara Addanki, Andrea Cadavid Isaza, Cristina de la Rua, Leonhard Odersky, Thomas Hamacher

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Multi-objective investment optimization of energy systems considering life-cycle environmental impacts

Heidi Hottenroth Ingela Tietze, Tobias Viere

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
An inconvenient truth: how green electricity products claim to contribute to the energy transition

Hanna F. Scholta, Maximilian J. Blaschke

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Energy Advancement: A new Energy Transition Redefinition

Sami Alnuaim

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Do interest rates matter for the transition? The role of cost of capital in energy system models

Bjarne Steffen, Katherine E. Lonergan, Florian Egli, Sebastian Osorio, Giovanni Sansavini, Michael Pahle, Tobias S. Schmidt

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Energy transition: technological dimensions of the zero-carbon pathway

Muhammad Asif

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The future role of biomethane in the Italian decarbonization process: an estimate of future production from existing agricultural biogas plants

Susanna Dorigoni, Bocconi University GREEN Italy

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Decarbonisation strategies in energy systems modelling: biochar as a carbon capture technology

Meritxell Domenech Monfort, Anna Sandhaas, Christoph Pönisch, Elmar Zozmann, Niklas Hartmann

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Projecting future costs of direct air capture for deep decarbonization

Tobias Schmidt, Bjarne Steffen

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Power sector effects of different roll-outs of flexible versus inflexible heat pumps

Dana Kirchem, Alexander Roth, Carlos Gaete Morales, Wolf-Peter Schill

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Social acceptance of a green deal in Ukraine and Switzerland: a cross-country analysis

Nadiya Kostyuchenko, Katharina Reidl, Rolf Wüstenhagen

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Pathways to net-zero emissions by 2030 for Norway – too ambitious to be true?

Taran Faehn, Brita Bye, Lars Gulbrandsen, Kevin Kaushal, Christian Mohr, Gunnhild Søgaard, Asbjørn Torvanger, Jørgen Wettestad, Knut Øistad

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Recommendations for the Further Development of the German System of Guarantees of Origin

Severin Sylla, Michael Hinterstocker, Alexander Bogensperger, Louisa Wasmeier, Amanda Pleier, Simon Koderer, Kristin Wagner

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
The role of energy performance certificates in reducing the information barriers: evidence from Slovenia

Ivana Jovovic, Jelena Zoric, Nevenka Hrovatin

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Renewable electricity generation, energy security and low-carbon transition in Pakistan

Muhammad Yousaf Raza

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Regulating the Unknown: The Case of Cooling Technologies across Africa

Pille-Riin Aja, Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet, Sébastien Houde

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Modeling the technical and economic feasibility of district cooling networks under scenarios of increasing cooling demand

Aadit Malla, Lukas Kranzl

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Improving the modelling of air conditioning adoptionb

André Mounier, Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Dynamic interaction between the market for upstream co-product raw materials and the downstream new energy vehicle market

Hui Su, Qiaosheng Wu, Na Zhou, Yijian Zheng

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Fuzzy-based evaluation of intellectual property value for the energy sector

Manal Alghamdi, Christopher M. Durugbo

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Contributions of natural climate solutions to carbon neutrality

Sophie Chlela, Sandrine Selosse

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Modelling decarbonization pathways for a metropolitan area – berlins energy transition integrated in an European energy system

Philipp Herpich, Konstantin Löffler, Karlo Hainsch, Jonathan Hanto, Nikita Moskalenko

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Typology of pathways for decarbonization

Tiago Alves, Nuno Bento, Ricardo Ribeiro

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
How good are energy scenarios? Assessing 63 energy outlooks in a novel multi-dimensional ýframework

Dawud Ansari, Sabire Seyma Evli, Wassim Brahim, Anna Broughel

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Probabilistic uncertainty forecasting with electricity system models in 31 European countries

Xin Wen, Marc Jaxa-Rozen, Nik Zielonka, Evelina Trutnevyte

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Energy policy scenarios for the German transformation pathways of the energy system by 2030 and 2045

Christoph Kost, Markus Kaiser, Julian Brandes, Patrick Jürgens, Charlotte Senkpiel

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Modelling of Socio-economic Impacts and Market Diffusion of Selected Biomass-to-Fischer

Nadine Gürer, Reinhard Haas, Amela Ajanovic

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Economic analysis of increased renewable methane output through CO2 utilization

Frank Radosits, Amela Ajanovic, Reinhard Haas

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Energy transition: an analysis of agrivoltaic utilities suitability in terms of Levelized Cost of Electric Energy

Girolamo Di Francia, Saverio De Vito, Grazia Fattoruso, Arturo Matano

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Energy Specializations: Renewables


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