IAEE Affiliate & Co-Branded Events

IAEE Conferences attract delegates from the most influential government, corporate and academic energy decision-making institutions. Conference programs address critical issues of vital concern and importance to governments and industries and provide a forum where policy issues are presented, considered and discussed at both formal sessions and informal social functions.


IAEE typically holds five Conferences each year.

IAEE Conference proceedings are NOT copyrighted and are available for purchase online by visiting here.

Please find here the calendar on IAEE's upcoming Conferences as well as meetings from IAEE International Affiliates. IAEE Affiliates are encouraged to send an expression of interest to host a future IAEE international or regional conference at any time. Click here for further information.

Please view the below links to obtain further information on IAEE's Co-Branded Events

British Institute of Energy Economics – Policy Conference
Wednesday 18 September 2024, One Birdcage Walk, London

Delivering the energy transition: pace over perfection

It is time to scale up delivery and bring down uncertainty in the GB energy transition.

The BIEE’s biennial policy conference is a key opportunity for expert debate and discussion, with its unique ability to bring together experts in policymaking and delivery, academia and business. This year we will ask how GB can firm up the next steps in its energy transition in both delivery and policymaking, navigating both the gaps in current understanding and the political hurricane.

Key themes include:

  • First-hand experience from policymakers and delivery bodies. How do we balance strategic plans and the power of markets?
  • The links between the energy transition and the economy at large. Is the UK too late to the international race?
  • Whole system design, market reforms and future system operation. How to incentivise the right things, in the right places, at the right times?
  • Bringing in the consumer. Can households and the energy transition help each other?
  • Crowding in finance and scaling up investment. What role for public investment and how to avoid delay?

Early bird discounts available until 31 July 2024.

3rd IAEE MENA Conference
December 8-9, 2024, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Call for papers: click here

Important Dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: September 6, 2024
  • Notification of abstract acceptance (on a rolling basis): by September 27, 2024
  • Registration opens, submission of final abstract or full paper: October 15, 2024
  • Conference start date: December 8, 2024 

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