Start an Affiliate

The requirements for starting an Affiliate are straight forward -- a viable group of at least 20 individuals all of whom must join IAEE and have organized to the point of adopting a set of bylaws (download sample set of bylaws) as well as have elected a group of officers.

Note the following from the sample by-laws:

  1. At least 20 members from the Affiliate must be members of IAEE.
  2. The Affiliate must hold elections. Though the sample bylaws imply annual elections, elections every two years (but no less often than this) are acceptable.
  3. An individual may hold the office of president for no more than two consecutive years.
  4. The Affiliate must hold at least three meetings a year.
  5. The responsibilities to IAEE Headquarters.
  6. The affiliate should have an active student strategy, for instance through the nomination of a student representative on its council.

Affiliate dues vary based on World Bank national income categories. For more information, please review our membership pricing. Affiliate dues are payable annually to the IAEE in the first quarter of any given year.

Finally, note that Affiliate membership must be open to all individuals whose work or interest is in the field of energy economics.

If you have any further questions regarding the establishment of an IAEE Affiliate please do not hesitate to contact IAEE Headquarters at


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