Become a Referee

If you would like to referee articles submitted to "Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy" (EEEP), please fill out this online registration form. In order to select submissions fitting with your research experiences, you will be asked to select your major topics of interest and specialization among three areas: i) energy sectors, ii) special topics in energy and environmental policy, and iii) fields of economics and methodological focus. You can select as many categories as you wish.

Reviewers are normally allowed six weeks to complete a review and return it to the editors. Please indicate how many articles you would be willing to review in a one year period.

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Last Name
Email Address
Number of papers
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Please select at least 5 of your areas of expertise so that we may route articles appropriately:
Natural Gas
Nuclear Power and Uranium
Unconventional Fossil Resources
Energy and the Environment
Energy and the Economy
Energy Security and Geopolitics
Energy Investment and Finance
Energy Modeling
Developing Countries
Energy Efficiency
Energy Access

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  • First Name, Last Name, Full Name – Your name is stored for the purposes of personalizing communications, providing credit to active referees on an annual basis, and to identify referees whose works are referenced in submissions.
  • Company, Organization – Your organization is stored for the purpose of identifying referees from organizations that have a particular area of expertise, as well as posting in the annual referee credits.
  • Country – Your country is stored for the purpose of ensuring a wide geographical distribution of referees for an article
  • Email Address – Your email address is stored for the purpose of communicating with you on matters relating to The Energy Journal refereeing process
  • Specializations – Your specializations are stored for the purpose of matching submitted articles with suitable referees

Note that none of this information is shared with third parties or used for purposes outside of the Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy refereeing process.

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