Energy Forum

3rd Quarter 2019
(Click here to download full issue)

"President's Message"
by Christophe Bonnery
"Lessons of an Oil Market Analyst (and the value of an IAEE membership)"
by Michael C. Lynch
"Auctions for Renewable Energy Support: Lessons Learned in the AURES Project"
by Lena Kitzing, Vasilios Anatolitis, Oscar Fitch-Roy, Corinna Klessmann, Jan Kreiß, Pablo del Río, Fabian Wigand, Bridget Woodman
"Transition to a Capacity Auction: a Case Study of Ireland"
by Ewa Lazarczyk and Lisa Ryan
"Challenges in Designing Technology-neutral Auctions for Renewable Energy Support"
by Jan Kreiss
"Auction Design Influences Efficiency: California’s Consignment Mechanism in Perspective"
by Noah C. Dormady
"Carbon Tax or Cap and Trade? Evidence from the Province of Ontario’s recent Cap and Trade Program"
by Philip R. Walsh
"What Do the Results from the Finnish RES Auction of 2018 Reveal About Efficiency?"
by Roland Magnusson, Kimmo Ollikka and Pekka Ripatti
"Information Disclosure Rules and Auction Mechanism: How Much Information on Electricity Auctions?"
by Ewa Lazarczyk and Chloé Le Coq
"Chilean Experience on Long-term Electricity Auctions: Changes and Challenges Ahead"
by Javier Bustos-Salvagno
"Electric Bidding Processes: a Contribution of Mining to Public Policies in Chile"
by Andrés Alonso

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Four times a year IAEE sends its members the "IAEE Energy Forum". The newsletter gives an account of IAEE Affiliate/Chapter activities and provides special reports and energy information from around the world. The Newsletter also contains articles on a wide range of applied/topical energy economics issues, as well as notes and special notices of interest to members. Further, the publication lists a calendar of upcoming conferences/seminars/trade shows as well as recently published books of interest to energy economists. If you are interested in receiving a subscription to the "IAEE Energy Forum", you can join online.

All issues are available for download in the Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format only.

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