Energy Forum

2nd Quarter 2003
(Click here to download full issue)

"New Initiatives in North American Energy Cooperation"
by Joseph M. Dukert
"Hubbert’s Peak: Deja vu All Over Again"
by John Ryan
"Economics of Hybrid Electric Vehicles"
by Michael E. Canes
"Electricity Generation Cost Simulation Model (GenSim)"
by Thomas E Drennen, Arnold B. Baker and William Kamery
"Lithuanian Energy: On the Way to Integration into the European Union"
by Jurgis Vilemas and Vaclovas Miskinis
"Renewables Prosper, Propelled By Regulatory Push, Financial Pull"
by Fereidoon P. Sioshansi
"Strategic Security of Energy Infrastructure Systems in the Czech Republic"
by Ivan Benes and Monika Mechurova
"The Empirics and Implications of Technological Learning for Renewable Energy Technology Cost Forecasting"
by Peter H. Kobos
"Uzbekistan, an Expanding and Capital-Hungry Economy Specific Interrelated Opportunities in Energy, IT and Agriculture"
by Malika Saidkhodjaeva
"Electric Energy Sector in Poland"
by Zbigniew Mantorski

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