Energy Forum

2nd Quarter 1997
(Click here to download full issue)

"Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities in Shaping a Common Future"
by John P. Ferriter*
"An Industry Perspective on the Indian Energy Situation"
by Shekhar Datta
"West European Gas Supply/Demand Balance"
by Morten Frisch
"Bridging the Energy Gap in Asia: Experience of Strategic Alliances/Joint Ventures in India"
by A. Bhattachaqya*
"Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities in Shaping a Common Future"
by R .K. Pachauri*
"A Perspective on Russian Oil"
by Isabel Gorst
"Responding to International Energy-Related Environmental Challenges: The Case of the African Energy Policy Research Network"
by Stephen Karekezi*
"The Quest for Middle East Oil: The United States Versus China Scenario"
by Mamdouh G. Salameh
"Technology Transfer and National Capacity Enhancement"
by Katssuo Seiki
"Meter Readers to Follow the Milkman into Nostalgic Oblivion"
by Fereidoon P. Sioshansi

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