Energy Forum

Special Issue 2017
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"President's Message"
by Ricardo Raineri
"Opening Remarks to the 40th IAEE Conference by Minister Masagos Zulkifli"
by Masagos Zulkifli
"Buffer vs. Speculation: A Review on the Role of Crude Oil Inventory"
by Soohyeon Kim, Jungho Baek, and Eunnyeong Heo
"Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) as a Stepping Stone to Caebon Capture and Sequestration (CCS)"
by Dana M Abdulbaqi, Carol Dahl and Mohammed AlShaikh
"The Technical and Economic Viability of Producing Marginal Oil Fields in the Niger-Delta Using Water Injection"
by Rita U. Onolemhemhen, Sunday O. Isehunwa, Akin P. Iwayemi, Adeola F. Adenikinju
"Experience Curve for Natural Gas Production by Hydraulic Facturing"
by Roku Fuku
"Too Big to Fail in the Electricity Sector"
by Sebastian Osorio, Erik R. Larsen and Ann van Ackere
"Smart Demand Side Management: Storing Energy or Storing Consumption: It´s Not the Same"
by Joachim Geske, Richard Green, Quixin Chen, and Yi Wang
"Exploring Interaction Effects of Climate Polices: A Model Analysis of the Power Market"
by Machiel Mulder and Yuru Zweng
"Policy Effectiveness Assessment of China’s Optimal Adaptation and Mitigation"
by Hongbo Duan and Shouyang Wang
"Social Awareness, Consumer Lifestyles, and Household Carbon Emissions in China"
by Dayong Zhang, Jun Li, and Bin Su
"The Evolution of the Energy Security Concept and APEX Energy Cooperation"
by Kazutomo Irie
"Strategic Interaction Via Derivatives: on the use of swaps in electricity markets"
by Chloé Le Coq and Sebastian Schwenen
"Mapping Residential Thermal Comfort Gap at Very High Resolution Spatial Scale: Implications for Energy Policy Design"
by João Pedro Gouveia, Pedro Palma, Júlia Seixas and Sofia Simoes
"Is “Being Green” Rewarded in the Market? An Empirical Investigation of Decarbonization Risk and Stock Returns"
by Soh Young In, Ki Young Park, and Ashby Monk
"Potential for Renewable Energy’s Application for Heating in the Industrial Sector – A Case Study of Selected APEC Economies"
by Sichao Kan, Yoshiaki Shibata, Alexey Kabalinskiy, and Cecilia Tam
"Decarbonizing the Indian Energy System until 2050 An Application of the Open Source Energy Modeling System OSeMOSYS"
by Konstantin Löffler, Karlo Hainsch, Thorsten Burandt, Pao-Yu Oei
"Consumer’s Attitude Towards Investments in Residential Energy-Efficient Appliances: How End-User Choices Contribute to Change Future Energy Systems"
by Mattia Baldini, Alessio Trivella and Jordan Wente

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