Energy Forum

Special Issue 2015
(Click here to download full issue)

"Energy Sector Liberalisation: Pricing and Subsidy Reform and the Poor"
by Tooraj Jamasb and Rabindra Nepa
"Considering the Welfare Impacts of Energy Efficiency and Rebound"
by Lisa Ryan, Karen Turner, Patrizio Lecca, and Nina Campbell
"The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Renewable Portfolio Standards"
by Gregory B. Upton Jr .and Brian F. Snyder
"Technology-neutral or Technology-specific? Designing Support Schemes for Renewable Energies Cost-effectively"
by Paul Lehmann and Patrik Söderholm
"The Role of the Financial Sector in EU Emissions Trading"
by Regina Betz, Johanna Cludius, and Anne Schopp
"Making ‘Smart Meters’ Smarter?"
by Simon Bager and Luis Mundaca
"How Does Market Power Affect the Impact of Large Scale Wind Investment in ‘Energy Only’ Wholesale Electricity Markets?"
by Stephen Poletti, Oliver Browne and David Young
"Establishing the Economic Co-benefits from Aligning Controlled EV Charging and Solar PV Generation in the Australian National Electricity Market"
by Graham Mills and Iain MacGill
"The Long-Run Impact of Energy Storage on Electricity Prices and Generating Capacity"
by Richard Green and Iain Staffell
"Economies of Scale in Biogas Production"
by Lise Skovsgaard and Henrik Klinge Jacobsen
"Is CCR a Viable Technology Option for Investors? A Multi-stage Model Analysis Under Uncertainties"
by Jian-Lei Mo and Ying Fan
"Modelling the Socio-economic Implications of Mitigation Actions in Colombia"
by Ricardo Delgado, Camilo Matajira, Ángela Cadena, and Camilo Alvarez
"The Increasing Role of Coal in the Energy Balance of APEC Economies for the Period till 2040"
by Dmitry Sokolov
"Changing Gas Price Mechanisms in Europe and Russia`s Gas Pricing Policy"
by Tatiana Mitrova
"Shale Gas and the American Energy Renaissance"
by Hillard G. Huntington
"Oil and Gas Price Drop Offers Reduced Cost Overruns"
by Roy Endré Dahl, Atle Oglend and Petter Osmundsen

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