Energy Forum

3rd Quarter 2014
(Click here to download full issue)

"Energy and Economic Growth: The Stylized Facts"
by David Stern, Zsuzsanna Csereklyei, and Mar Rubio
"Energy Use and Economic Growth 1965 – 2012"
by Rögnvaldur Hannesson
"The Role of Energy Technologies in Long Run Economic Growth"
by Roger Fouquet
"Power System and Economic Growth: Twenty Years After the End of the Soviet Era"
by Malika Saidkhodjaeva and Kh.R. Saidkhodjaeva
"Oil Price Shocks and Welfare Social Consequences"
by Marc Joëts and Tovonony Razafindrabe
"Costs and Benefits of U.S. Renewables Portfolio Standards"
by Galen Barbose, Jenny Heeter, Lori Bird, Samantha Weaver, Francisco Flores-Espino, and Ryan Wiser
"The Cost Effectiveness of Renewable Energy Support Schemes in the European Union"
by Arjun Mahalingam, David Reiner and David Newbery
"Rethinking How to Support Intermittent Renewables."
by Patrick A. Narbel
"Local Impacts of Wind Farms on Property Values: A Spatial Difference-In-Differences Analysis"
by Yasin Sunak and Reinhard Madlener
"Renewable Generation and Capacity Markets"
by Peter H. Griffes
"Active Distribution System Management: Need to Adapt the Regulation of Electricity DSOs "
by Sophia Ruester, Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga, Sebastian Schwenen and Carlos Batlle
"Manipulation of Day-ahead Electricity Prices through Virtual Bidding in the U.S."
by Chiara Lo Prete and William W. Hogan
"National Policies for Renewable Electricity are an Obstacle to Market Integration in the European Union"
by Thomas P. Tangerås
"On the Future of Electricity Supply. Competitive Markets or Planned Economies?"
by Reinhard Haas, Hans Auer and Michael Hartner
"Residential Electricity Demand in Chile"
by Claudio A. Agostini, Cecilia Plottier and Eduardo Saavedra
"Beyond National Economy-wide Rebound Effects "
by Simon Koesler, Kim Swales, and Karen Turner
"Increased Electricity Demand Flexibility Enabled by Smart Grid: Impacts on Prices, Security of Supply and Revenues in Northern Europe"
by Torjus Folsland Bolkesjø, Åsa Grytli Tveten and Iliana Ilieva
"Negative Bidding by Wind: A Unit Commitment Analysis of Cost and Emission Impacts"
by Lin Deng, Benjamin F. Hobbs, and Piet Renson
"Efficient Storage Capacity in a System with High Photovoltaic Penetration"
by Benjamin Böcker and Christoph Weber
"A Regional Demand Forecasting Study for Transportation Fuels in Turkey "
by Özlem Atalay and Gürkan Kumbaroğlu

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