Energy Forum

3rd Quarter 2007
(Click here to download full issue)

"Jacques Percebois Receives Outstanding Contributions to the Profession Award"
by Jacques Percebois
"Margaret McQualie Receives IAEE Journalism Award"
by Margaret McQualie
"An Energy Tax Policy For the Twenty-First Century"
by Gilbert E. Metcalf and Kevin A. Hassett
"Speaking with a Common Voice On Perspectives for an EU International Energy Policy"
by Heinz Riemer
"The Geopolitics of Barents Sea Oil and Gas: the Mouse and the Bear"
by Ole Gunnar Austvik
"Nuclear Power Generation"
by Tarjei Kristiansen
"Mexican Energy Sector Modernization Tasks, 2006-2012"
by Ernesto Marcos Giacoman
"Chinese National Companies’ Overseas Investment: Myth and Reality"
by Xin Ma
"The 9th IAEE European Energy Conference “Energy Markets and Sustainability in a Larger Europe”"
by Manuela Gusmerotti and Quinto Antonin

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