Energy Forum

4th Quarter 2013
(Click here to download full issue)

"Energy in 2012 – Adapting to a Changing World"
by Christof Rühl and Joseph Giljum
"Putting Emission Limitation on a Solid Foundation: Why Effective International Cooperation Needs to Start with Trade Issues"
by Ralph D. Samuelson
"Electricity Storage: The Essential Rebalancing Mechanism"
by Ross McCracken
"Will the SIEPAC Transmission Project Lead to a Vibrant Electricity Market in Central America?"
by Jay Zarnikau, Ian Partridge, John Dinning, and Daniel Robles
"Evaluating the Methodology of Setting Electricity Prices in Nigeria"
by Saheed Layiwola Bello
"More (Climate-friendly) Nuclear Power? The Economic Challenge"
by Joel Darmstadter
"Microgeneration, Storage and the Smart Grid"
by Gaia Stigliani
"Introducing Wind Generation as a Way to Reduce the Seasonal Volatility in Electricity Generation in Georgia"
by Giorgi Kelbakiani and Norberto Pignatti
"Politics of Power in China: Institutional Bottlenecks to Reducing Wind Curtailment Through Improved Transmission"
by Michael Davidson
"Microgrids and Energy Security: The Business Case"
by Angelique Mercurio

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