Energy Forum

3rd Quarter 2010
(Click here to download full issue)

"EU-Russia Relations in the Energy Fields: The Continuing Role of International Law"
by Sophie Nappert
"Shale Gas, LNG and Rising Demand – Driving Global Gas Prices"
by Benjamin Schlesinger
"The Emerging Global Oil Trade Axis: The Russian Connection"
by Mamdouh G. Salameh
"Russian Oil–A Long Term View"
by Leonard L. Coburn
"The 2008 Renegotiation of Kazakhstan’s Kashagan PSA Field and the Events that Led to It"
by Nathan Reich
"Applied Price Theory: Prospects for a “Gas OPEC”"
by Diego Villalobos Alberú
"Report from the IAEE Rio International Conference"
by Edmar de Almeida and Helder Queiroz Pinto Jr.
"Report of the Third NAEE/IAEE International Conference"
by Adeola Adenikinju

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