Energy Forum

4th Quarter 2009
(Click here to download full issue)

"The IAEE, 1979–2009"
by Paul Tempest
"Volatility and Structural Change: Lessons from the 2009 BP Statistical Review of World Energy"
by Christof Ruhl and Neelesh Nerurkar
"We Can Live With a Fossil Fuel Future: Oil, Gas, Coal & Shale Oil"
by Gerald T. Westbrook
"The Impact of the Energy/Climate Package on the Development of Renewable Energy Sources in Belgium: Some Insights"
by Danielle Devogelaer and Dominique Gusbin
"The Global Financial Crisis and the Oil and Gas Sector of the Nigerian Economy"
by Jean Balouga
"The Nigerian Bio-fuel Policy and Incentives (2007): A Need To Follow the Brazilian Pathway"
by Peter Kayode Oniemola and Gbenga Sanusi
"Ethanol Production in Brazil: Bridging its Economic and Environmental Aspects"
by Marcos Watanabe

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