Energy Forum

3rd Quarter 2020
(Click here to download full issue)

"President's Message"
by Yukari Yamashita
"Retail Rate Structures for Electric Distribution Networks in Transition: A Case for Automation"
by Brock Mosovsky and Steven Dahlke
"Energy Transition: Interdisciplinary Approaches Against Uncertainty"
by Marina Bertolini
"Network Tariffs in an Increasingly Distributed, Decentralised, and Decarbonised Power System"
by Alan Rai
"Business Cycles and Innovation Cycles in the U.S. Upstream Oil & Gas Industry "
by Robert L. Kleinberg and Marie N. Fagan
"Electricity Bidding Processes: a Contribution of Mining to Public Policies in Chile"
by Andrés Alonso
"Distribution Network Adaptation in the Energy Transition; Addressing Barriers and Realising Benefits, an Australian Perspective."
by Damian Shaw-williams
"Rooftop PV and Electricity Distributors: Who Wins and Who Loses?"
by Bruce Mountain, Steven Percy and Kelly Burns
"On the Fairness Debate Surrounding Electricity Tariff Design in the Renewable Energy Era"
by Mohammad Ansarin
"Rewarding a Group of Customers for Mitigating the Imbalance of Electricity "
by Yoshihiro Yamamoto
"Energy Transition, Distributed Energy Resources, and the Need for Information "
by Burcin Unel, Sylwia Bialek, Jip Kim and Yury Dvorkin
"Competitive Electric Utility Analysis"
by Douglas B. Reynolds
"Electric Utilities and their Rates: Evolution and Economic Efficiency"
by John R. Morris
"Effectiveness and Balance: a Canadian Regulator’s Approach to Review of Energy Efficiency Funding Proposals"
by Jackie Ashley

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