Association Webinars: Imbalance settlement processes: Economic incentives for balancing responsible parties in Europe



In this webinar, we discuss the role of economic incentives for balancing responsible parties in balancing electricity systems across Europe. We compare multiple European regulatory regimes of (not) allowing and encouraging balancing responsible parties to contribute balancing the system.

To this end, Anselm Eicke, Research Associate at the Berlin-based Hertie School, will give a short introduction in a novel framework he and co-authors proposed in a recent paper, interpreting the German balancing system as a market equilibrium.

In addition, we will have three distinguished balancing experts from other European countries to share insights into the role of balancing incentives in their country and to comment on the applicability of the proposed framework:

  • José Chavez-Avila, Professor at IIT Comillas researching the Dutch and Spanish systems
  • Claire Roussel, balancing market expert at the French transmission system operator RTE
  • Gerard Doorman, Special Advisor at the Norwegian system operator Statnett SF

After short opening statements from all participants, we will open up for discussion among the panelists and questions from the audience. The event will be moderated by Oliver Ruhnau, Research Associate at the Hertie School.

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Oliver Ruhnau is Research Associate and PhD Candidate in Energy Economics at the Hertie School, Berlin. His research focuses on the economics of flexible electricity demand in the context of sector coupling and variable renewable energy sources. His recent publications explore the role of heat pumps and hydrogen electrolyzers for the wholesale market value of wind and solar power, and the price responsiveness of the demand for balancing services. Previously, Oliver was Data Scientist with the energy service company Digital Energy Solutions. He studied Engineering and Economics at the RWTH Aachen University and the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.


Anselm Eicke is research associate and PhD candidate in Energy Economics at the Hertie School in Berlin. His research revolves around the regulation of power systems with high shares of renewables. His recent publications cover the German balancing system and locational investment signals for generators. Prior to his PhD, Anselm worked at Leibniz University Hannover, the German development agency (GIZ), and the German Association of Energy and Water Industries. Anselm holds a master's degree in International Energy from Sciences Po Paris and a bachelor's degree in Energy Engineering from Technical University Berlin.

José Pablo Chaves Ávila is a researcher at the Institute for Research in Technology (IIT) at the Engineering School (ICAI) of the Comillas Pontifical University (Spain). He has a background in Economics and Engineering and holds a Doctorate on Sustainable Energy Technologies and Strategies. José Pablo areas of interests are the integration of renewable resources and distributed energy resources in the electricity sector, smart grids, and the regulation of the electricity sector and in particular the balancing system. José Pablo has been visiting scholar at the European University Institute (Italy), the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA) and the MIT (USA). He is lead and operating agent of the ISGAN Academy of the International Smart Grid Action Network, member of the Expert list of the Regional Commission of the Electrical Interconnection for Central American (CRIE) and Deputy Director of the IIT.

Claire Roussel is part of RTE's balancing market team for 4 years. She specialized on the French balancing mechanism, including scheduling, use of balancing bids and settlement. As part of this team, she concerts the French balancing mechanism terms and conditions with balancing service providers and oversees projects related to local and regional implementation. In 2020, Claire helped defining standard products for balancing capacity as part of an ENTSOE working group.

Gerard Doorman has a long career within consultancy, research, and education. He has been professor in electric power engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology within power market design and has supervised and co-authored numerous papers about balancing market integration, among others. He is presently special advisor within market design with the Norwegian TSO Statnett. In this role he is strongly involved with ENTSO-E work and was convenor of the ENTSO-E project team Market Design 2030.

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Event Date: September 20, 2021

Event Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM Eastern Time

Topic: Imbalance settlement processes: Economic incentives for balancing responsible parties in Europe

Moderator: Oliver Ruhnau

Price: FREE

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