Association Webinars: Accelerating Clean Energy at Scale: Place-based Solutions



Customized, holistic energy modeling and analysis is conducted across a wide range of geospatial scales---from global to local. We will describe the value and importance of local, place-based solutions, particularly, how scientific insights, decision support, and technical assistance based on integrated, customized modeling and analysis, and in-depth stakeholder engagement can assist communities in translating their ambitions into implementable action plans.


Douglas J. Arent
As executive director, Doug Arent focuses on strategic public and private partnerships with NREL to transform energy economies at speed and scale across the globe.

Arent has worked in research on energy and sustainability for more than 30 years, publishing extensively on topics within clean energy, renewable energy, power systems, natural gas, and the intersection of science and public policy.

In addition to his NREL responsibilities, Arent is senior visiting fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He serves on the World Economic Forum Future of Electricity Working Group and advisory boards for the Post Carbon Transition Program at the Institute for New Economic Thinking at Oxford University, U.K.; the Smart Electric Power Association; and the Energy Academy of Europe, Netherlands. He is also member of the Keystone Energy Board. Arent is the editor in chief for Renewable Energy Focus and is associate editor for the journal Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.

Arent has a Ph.D. from Princeton University, an MBA from Regis University, and a bachelor's of science from Harvey Mudd College in California.

Megan Day is a Senior Energy Planner at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory where she serves as the lab’s subject matter expert on state and local planning for equitable energy transitions. She led the development of city energy profiles for more than 23,400 U.S. cities through the Cities Leading through Energy Analysis and Planning (Cities-LEAP) project and currently leads the State and Local Planning for Energy (SLOPE) platform, which provides jurisdictionally-resolved clean energy potential and projections. She also leads NREL’s Sustainable Communities Catalyzer. Megan is a certified urban and regional planner with a background in non-profit management, utility-scale solar development, and climate action planning.


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