Association Webinars: NREL's Publicly Available Energy and Economic Modeling Tools



Over the past decade, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has made several useful tools publicly available. In this presentation, I provide a survey of these rich datasets and detailed models of transportation, electricity, and the economy which have tremendous value to researchers. Two models with which I've had considerable involvement, the Scalable Linked Dynamics Equilibrium (SLiDE) model and the Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS), are presented in greater detail. SLiDE is an open-source computable general equilibrium model based off the blueNOTE dataset and written in Julia/JuMP. ReEDS is a publicly available capacity expansion model capable of detailed representations of the US electric power sector's operations and investments. I also briefly cover the Electricity Market Integration Suite (EMIS) model, the Jobs and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) model, the Renewable Energy Integration and Optimization (REopt) platform, the Renewable Energy Potential(V) eXchange (reVX) tool, the Scalable Infrastructure and Investment Planning (SIIP) platform with its PowerSystems/PowerSimulations module, as well as the Transportation Energy and Mobility Pathway Options (TEMPO) model.


Maxwell (Max) Brown is a Senior Energy System Modeler in the Economics and Forecasting Group at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and an Adjunct Professor of Computational Economics at the Colorado School of Mines. Max attended the North Dakota State College of Science for a certificate in Computer Engineering, North Dakota State University for a BS in Economics and Statistics, the University of Maine for an MS in Resource Economics and Policy, and the Colorado School of Mines for an MS and PhD in Mineral and Energy Economics. Before NREL, he worked with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Payne Institute for Earth Resources, the Department of Energy's Critical Material Institute, as well as in several IT positions. His research focusses on developing and linking energy and economic models with the goal of providing best-in-class tools for public use while also applying those tools for policy analysis. Since starting at NREL, Max has been a lead developer on the revised Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS 2.0) model, a lead developer on the Scalable Linked Dynamic Equilibrium (SLiDE) model, and has served several analytical and advisory roles.


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