Association Webinars: Trucking: the potential and the pitfalls of decarbonizing big rigs



The panel will look at the numerous pathways to a lower-carbon future for moving freight on the nation's highways. But it will also explore the reality that fuel efficiency already is improving, meaning new technologies are chasing after a moving target.

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John Kingston is the editor at large at FreightWaves, the largest online source of news and data for the trucking and freight sector. He has been involved in energy markets since joining Platts in 1985.


Allen Schaeffer serves as chief executive for the Diesel Technology Forum, a position he has held since the inception of the organization in 2000. The Diesel Technology Forum is a not-for profit educational organizational that is the established and leading voice for diesel technology in all applications.

In this capacity Allen represents the leaders in advanced diesel engine, equipment and fuels technology on a variety of matters related to environmental, public health, transportation and energy policy related to the use, sociability and sustainability of advanced diesel technology.

Alan Adler is a Detroit-based award-winning journalist who worked for The Associated Press, the Detroit Free Press and most recently as Detroit Bureau Chief for He also spent two decades in domestic and international media relations and executive communications with General Motors. He is also FreightWaves' expert on new truck technology.

Michael Roeth has worked in the commercial vehicle industry for over 35 years, is the Executive Director of the North American Council for Freight Efficiency and is the trucking lead for RMI. Mike's specialty is brokering green truck collaborative technologies into the real world at scale. Mike was awarded the prestigious SAE 2020 L. Ray Buckendale Lecturer and manuscript author. He has a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from the Ohio State University and a Master's in Organizational Leadership from the Indiana Institute of Technology.

Finch Fulton joined Locomation in February 2021. He previously served at the US Department of Transportation under Secretary Elaine Chao from 2017-2021, was the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy and was the nominee to be Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy. There, he led the USDOT's efforts around the safe integration of transportation technologies into the US transportation system.

Fulton also served in the House of Representatives under Congressman Jim McCrery and Congressman John Fleming, M.D., in the Senate for Senator Jeff Sessions and in the private sector focused on the State and local integration of technology. He is a native of Mobile, Alabama, a graduate of the University of Alabama, received his MBA from Johns Hopkins University, and has been involved in trucking and logistics through his family's business his entire life.

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Event Date: October 18, 2021

Event Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM Eastern Time

Topic: Trucking: the potential and the pitfalls of decarbonizing big rigs

Moderator: John Kingston

Speakers: Allen Schaeffer, Alan Adler, Mike Roeth, and Finch Fulton

Price: FREE

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