Association Webinars: Hydrogen in a Global Context



Session attendees will come away with insights into:

  • Japan's hydrogen strategy and both the opportunities and challenges for developing a hydrogen market from a hydrogen importer perspective.
  • Saudi Aramco's hydrogen plans and ambitions domestically and internationally from a hydrogen exporter perspective.
  • Opportunities and challenges for developing hydrogen markets in Europe as well as the GCC.
  • Opportunities for GCC-Europe and GCC-Asia cooperation in hydrogen.


Steve Griffiths, Khalifa University, UAE

Dr. Steven Griffiths is Senior Vice President for Research and Development and Professor of Practice at the Khalifa University of Science and Technology. At Khalifa University, he oversees the development and implementation of the university's research strategy and operations.

In addition to his executive management role at Khalifa University, Dr. Griffiths is advisor to the UAE Research Program for Rain Enhancement Science, a Zayed Sustainability Prize Selection Committee member, a member of the Dubai Future Council on Energy, an elected member of the Global Energy Prize International Award Committee, a Governing Board member of the Graphene Engineering Innovation Center at the University of Manchester, a member of the UAE Artificial Intelligence Expert Group, and a board member of the Microsoft Energy Core. He is also Associate Editor and Editorial Board member of Elsevier's international journal Energy Strategy Reviews, Editorial Board member of Elsevier's international journal Smart Energy, Associate Editor and Editorial Board member of Springer's international journal Energy Transitions and a non-resident Fellow of the Payne Institute at the Colorado School of Mines. In 2017, Dr. Griffiths was Co-Chair of the Solar World Congress and International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry and was General Chair of the 2019 International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) Middle East Symposium and oversees the activities of the IAEE United Arab Emirates affiliate.

Dr. Griffiths holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from MIT and an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management.


Masakazu Toyoda, Chairman & CEO, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
Masakazu Toyoda has been Chairman and CEO since 2010 at the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ) which has been ranked among Top-3 energy and resource policy think tanks for seven consecutive years, in Global Go To Think Tank Index Reports by University of Pennsylvania.

In addition, as a member of Strategic Policy Committee of Agency for Natural Resources and Energy of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, he contributed compiling the Fifth Strategic Energy Plan which was approved by the Cabinet in July 2018.

Making good use of these experiences, he lectures about Energy Study as an Adjunctive Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo.

He also serves as an international advisor to a number of institutions such as the Brunei National Energy Research Institute, the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, and the Pacific International Center for High Technology Research Center.

Prior to joining the IEEJ, he served at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan where he held prominent positions namely Vice-Minister for International Affairs.

Ahmad O. Al Khowaiter, Chief Technology Officer, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
Mr Ahmad O. Al Khowaiter is Saudi Aramco's Chief Technology Officer.

Mr Al Khowaiter joined Saudi Aramco in 1983, where he held various technical roles in oil and gas production organizations, ranging from design, project management, commissioning, and operations; as well as a number of supervisory, managerial, and general management positions.

He held the position of Saudi Aramco Chief Engineer from 2011 to 2014, and Executive Director of Power Systems in 2014 before assuming his present role.

Mr Al Khowaiter holds a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), an M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara, and an MBA degree as a Sloan Fellow from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Robin Mills, CEO of Qamar Energy, UAE
Robin Mills is an expert on energy strategy and economics. He established Qamar Energy in Dubai in 2015 to meet the need for regionally-based Middle East energy insight and project delivery.

He has led major consulting assignments for a variety of international energy companies and governments on energy policy, renewable energy, carbon capture and storage, hydrogen, oil and gas upstream and LNG.

Robin worked for a decade for Shell, concentrating on new business development in the Middle East. He subsequently worked for six years with Dubai Holding and the Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC), where he advanced business development efforts in the Middle East energy sector.

He is non-resident fellow at the Columbia University SIPA Center on Global Energy Policy, and the author of two books, The Myth of the Oil Crisis, and Capturing Carbon.

He holds a first-class degree in Geology from the University of Cambridge, and speaks five languages including Arabic.


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