Association Webinars: Beyond the Ballot: International Implications of the US Election



This webinar will focus on international energy diplomacy, including the geopolitical implications of the election, US policy towards the Gulf region, including the use of sanctions on Russia, Venezuela, and Iran. The webinar will also address how these issues might impact global energy markets in the aftermath of the election, no matter what the outcome.


Kate Dourian, Regional Manager for the Middle East and Gulf States at the World Energy Council

Kate Dourian is Regional Manager for the Middle East and Gulf States at the World Energy Council. She was previously the programme officer for the Middle East and North Africa in the Global Energy Relations Division of the International Energy Agency from 2015-2018. Kate is often consulted on Middle Eastern matters by banks, financial institutions and oil and gas companies. She also served as the IEA's representative on the executive board of the International Energy Forum.

She is currently a fellow of the Energy Institute and non-resident fellow at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington DC.


Ed Morse, Managing Director and Global Head of Commodities Strategy for Citi Research

Ed Morse is Managing Director and Global Head of Commodities Research at Citi, and held similar positions at Lehman Brothers and Credit Suisse. He has taught at Princeton, Columbia and Johns Hopkins universities, worked as the Council on Foreign Relations, served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Policy, and in management at Phillips Petroleum. A co-founder of PFC Energy, a former publisher of "Petroleum Intelligence Weekly", he also worked at Hess Energy Trading Company. Among his consulting experiences has been designing Yemen's oil pricing policy and consulting for the UN Security Council on the design and negotiation of the Oil-for-Food Program for Iraq. Morse frequently writes guest editorials for The Financial Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post and often is a commentator for Bloomberg TV and CNBC. He serves on advisory boards at Columbia and Princeton Universities and the business school at the University of Colorado. He is a Senior Fellow of both the USAEE and the IEEJ and in 2018 was named by Petroleum Economist in its inaugural "Global Energy Elite" issue as among the ten most prominent individuals in energy banking and finance.

Amos Hochstein, Former Special Envoy and Coordinator of International Energy Affairs

Amos Hochstein was U.S. Special Envoy for International Energy Affairs and led the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Energy Resources. As President Obama's "Energy Diplomat," Hochstein oversaw global U.S. energy foreign policy engagement and advised Secretaries of State Clinton and Kerry as well as Vice President Biden on global energy markets. After leaving government, Hochstein returned to the private sector and was Executive Vice President of Tellurian, a U.S. based energy company. He recently departed the company.

Dana Stroul, Shelly and Michael Kassen Fellow, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Dana Stroul is the Shelly and Michael Kassen Fellow in The Washington Institute's Beth and David Geduld Program on Arab Politics. She previously served for five years as a senior professional staff member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where she covered the Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey. In that capacity, she played a central role in the oversight of the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development, which included overseeing U.S. foreign assistance and weapons sales, as well as crafting relevant legislation. In 2019, Stroul served as co-chair, alongside her Washington Institute colleague Michael Singh, of the bipartisan Syria Study Group, which released its final report on U.S. policy toward the conflict in Syria in September.


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