Association Webinars: The Effects of Natural Gas Growth on Solar Electricity Generation in PJM Market



Power utilities are changing rapidly, with more distributed electricity generation, growing decarbonization policies and an increasingly competitive retail market that offers greater choice to consumers. Faced with rapidly falling levelized cost of renewable electricity and battery storage, rising investments in electrification of large parts of the economy, and aggressive regulatory innovation to incentivize distributed energy resources (DERs), including solar and wind energy, electric vehicles, energy storage, energy efficiency, and demand-side management, utilities are adopting new digital technologies and improving their abilities to respond quickly to demanding expectations from customers and regulators. While the United States has benefited from low-cost natural gas which has pushed gas-fired electricity generation to the top of the power mix, innovation in DER technology has led to major changes in electricity production, consumption and delivery systems. Regionally, a common trend for the increasing share of non-hydro renewable electricity generation and natural gas-fired combined cycle (CC) and combustion turbines is emerging in the PJM Interconnection, the world’s largest and most advanced regional transmission organization (RTO), thereby putting a renewed spotlight on the methods and tools for power system planning and grid modernization. As the grid profile diversifies, what is the impact of the increasing natural gas-fired electricity generation assets on installed distributed solar PV systems? What role does a typology of policy, regulatory, and business model constructs for improving utility choices, including locational marginal pricing (LMP), electricity rate designs, customer engagement, and load capacity management have on solar capacity development? In this webinar, we present an assessment of empirical dynamic panel data model using system generalized method of moments (system-GMM) estimation approach. This approach accounts for the impact of past and current policy and changes in market structure over time, forecasting errors, and business cycles by controlling for the location of generation assets and year fixed effects.

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Dr. Joe Nyangon is a power systems economist specializing in utilities innovation at the SAS Institute. He advises utilities on how to leverage advanced analytics technologies to address emerging challenges of grid modernization, electrification, decarbonization, and digitization. With over 15 years of academic and industry experience, he has conducted research on distributed energy resources, energy economics and macro-energy system modeling, techno-economic analysis of energy systems, infrastructure investment, risk pricing strategies, and assessment of the effectiveness of renewable energy policies using econometric models. Prior to joining SAS, Dr. Nyangon was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in energy economics and engineering systems at the University of Delaware where he led research efforts funded by the U.S. Department of Energy through the National Science Foundation (NSF) on the overarching trends driving power system transformation. He has evaluated resource adequacy and capacity market design models that blend renewable energy and natural gas resources in the seven U.S. independent system operator and regional transmission organization (ISO/RTO) markets. Dr. Nyangon holds a Ph.D. and two masters’ degrees focusing on energy systems engineering, computing systems, and energy economics and policy from Columbia University, University of Delaware, University of Greenwich, and earned an undergraduate degree in engineering. He is an Associate Editor of WIREs Energy and Environment journal and serves on the editorial boards of Energy Research and Social Science (ERSS), the Journal of Smart Cities and Society, and Harvard Business Review Advisory Council. He is an active member of IAEE, INFORMS, USAEE, PMI and Senior Member of IEEE.

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Event Date: December 7, 2023

Event Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM Eastern Time

Topic: The Effects of Natural Gas Growth on Solar Electricity Generation in PJM Market

Speaker: Joe Nyangon

Price: FREE

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