Association Webinars: Coronavirus and Fuel Economy Regulation: Oil and Vehicle Market Implications


Download Michael Cohen's slides.


Gasoline demand, oil prices, and vehicle production and sales have all fallen sharply with coronavirus and responses to it. Our expert panelists consider the near- and long-term persistence of these effects, along with the impact of ongoing disputes over fuel economy regulations. Topics for the panel include upstream and downstream issues in the oil sector that hinge on future demand and prices as well as vehicle manufacturer plans and policies including the future role of EVs.


Howard Gruenspecht is Senior Energy Economist at the MIT Energy Initiative where his research focuses on energy storage. Before joining MIT, he was Deputy Administrator of the U.S. Energy Information Administration with oversight responsibility for all data and analysis products. Howard's prior government service includes leadership roles in the DOE policy office and senior staff positions at the Council of Economic Advisers, the White House Domestic Policy Staff, and the U.S. International Trade Commission. In academia, he was on the business school faculty at Carnegie Mellon and was a resident scholar at Resources for the Future.


Michael Cohen is Chief US Economist and Head of Oil Analysis in BP's Group Economics team. In this role, he is responsible for oil, transportation, and US energy policy related analysis in BP's Statistical Review of World Energy and Energy Outlook. The Economics team helps inform decision making for BP's board and executive team as well as for the Upstream, Downstream, Government Affairs, Trading, and Fuels/Marketing businesses.

Ellen Hughes-Cromwick is Senior Resident Fellow at Third Way's Climate and Energy program. Prior to coming to Third Way, Ellen was associate director of the University of Michigan's Energy Institute. Prior to this post, Ellen was chief global economist at Ford Motor Company, and also served as Chief Economist of the U.S. Department of Commerce during the Obama Administration. Ellen would like to thank all of the first responders and health care workers who have led the fight against this pandemic.

Hannah Pitt is a Senior Analyst with Rhodium's Energy & Climate team, where she focuses on analysis of key developments in US and global energy and climate policy. She also leads development of Rhodium's Climate Service, which provides clients access to state, federal and international energy and greenhouse gas emissions data and research. Before joining Rhodium, Hannah supported efforts to design and implement climate mitigation strategies in developing countries as a Senior Policy Analyst at the Center for Clean Air Policy. Previously, she conducted economic development research at the Yale University Economic Growth Center and the Institute for Financial Management and Research.


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