Cited By
2024SSRN Electronic JournalMacroeconomic Implications of a Transition to Net Zero EmissionsStephane Hallegatte, Florent McIsaac, Hasan Dudu, Charl Jooste, Camilla Knudsen, Hans Beck
2024Energy Policy: Vol. 185Additional or accidental? Simulating interactions between a low-carbon fuel standard and other climate policy instruments in CanadaAaron Hoyle, Jotham Peters, Mark Jaccard, Ekaterina Rhodes
2023Energy and Climate Change: Vol. 4Modeling the energy mix and economic costs of deep decarbonization scenarios in a CGE frameworkElisabeth A. Gilmore, Madanmohan Ghosh, Peter Johnston, Muhammad-Shahid Siddiqui, Nick Macaluso
2022Energy Research & Social Science: Vol. 90Behavior matters: A systematic review of representing consumer mobility choices in energy modelsSandro Luh, Ramachandran Kannan, Thomas J. Schmidt, Tom Kober
2022The Energy Journal: Vol. 43, Issue 2Abatement Technologies and their Social Costs in a Hybrid General Equilibrium FrameworkMichael Miess, Stefan Schmelzer, Milan Ščasný, Vědunka Kopečná
2022Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 153Understanding climate policy projections: A scoping review of energy-economy models in CanadaEkaterina Rhodes, Aaron Hoyle, Madeleine McPherson, Kira Craig
2021Energy, Sustainability and Society: Vol. 11, Issue 1Combining the worlds of energy systems and material flow analysis: a reviewFelix Kullmann, Peter Markewitz, Detlef Stolten, Martin Robinius
2021Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 152A review of existing deep decarbonization models and their potential in policymakingF.A. Felder, P. Kumar
2020Energy Research & Social Science: Vol. 64Which plug-in electric vehicle policies are best? A multi-criteria evaluation framework applied to CanadaNoel Melton, Jonn Axsen, Barbar Moawad
2019Applied Energy: Vol. 239Prospects for energy economy modelling with big data: Hype, eliminating blind spots, or revolutionising the state of the art?Francis G.N. Li, Chris Bataille, Steve Pye, Aidan O'Sullivan
2018Energies: Vol. 11, Issue 11Financing the Renovation of the Cypriot Building Stock: An Assessment of the Energy Saving Potential of Different Policy Scenarios Based on the Invert/EE-Lab ModelMarina Economidou, Paolo Zangheri, Andreas Müller, Lukas Kranzl
2017Energy Policy: Vol. 107Evaluating plug-in electric vehicle policies in the context of long-term greenhouse gas reduction goals: Comparing 10 Canadian provinces using the “PEV policy report card”Noel Melton, Jonn Axsen, Suzanne Goldberg
2017Energy Policy: Vol. 110No free ride to zero-emissions: Simulating a region's need to implement its own zero-emissions vehicle (ZEV) mandate to achieve 2050 GHG targetsMaxwell Sykes, Jonn Axsen
2017Energy Economics: Vol. 64Energy efficiency and economic growth: A retrospective CGE analysis for Canada from 2002 to 2012Chris Bataille, Noel Melton
2016Climate Policy: Vol. 16, Issue sup1Improving deep decarbonization modelling capacity for developed and developing country contextsSteve Pye, Chris Bataille
2016Climate Policy: Vol. 16, Issue sup1The need for national deep decarbonization pathways for effective climate policyChris Bataille, Henri Waisman, Michel Colombier, Laura Segafredo, Jim Williams, Frank Jotzo
2016Energy Policy: Vol. 98Abundant low-cost natural gas and deep GHG emissions reductions for the United StatesStephen Healey, Mark Jaccard
2016The Energy Journal: Vol. 37, Issue 2Diffusion of Climate Technologies in the Presence of Commitment ProblemsTaran Fæhn, Elisabeth T. Isaksen
2016Climate Policy: Vol. 16, Issue sup1Exploring national decarbonization pathways and global energy trade flows: a multi-scale analysisSteve Pye, Christophe McGlade, Chris Bataille, Gabrial Anandarajah, Amandine Denis-Ryan, Vladimir Potashnikov
2015Frontiers in Energy Research: Vol. 3The Demand Side in Economic Models of Energy Markets: The Challenge of Representing Consumer BehaviorFrank C. Krysiak, Hannes Weigt
2014The Energy Journal: Vol. 35, Issue 1_supplTechnology Assumptions and Climate Policy: The Interrelated Effects of U.S. Electricity and Transport PolicyMark Jaccard, Suzanne Goldberg
2014WIREs Energy and Environment: Vol. 3, Issue 4Global energy‐climate scenarios and models: a reviewVolker Krey
2014Energy: Vol. 73Integrated technological-economic modeling platform for energy and climate policy analysisPatrícia Fortes, Rui Pereira, Alfredo Pereira, Júlia Seixas
2013WIREs Energy and Environment: Vol. 2, Issue 2Long‐term energy models: Principles, characteristics, focus, and limitationsMaurizio Gargiulo, Brian Ó Gallachóir
2012Environmental Modeling & Assessment: Vol. 17, Issue 1-2Statistical Simulation to Estimate Uncertain Behavioral Parameters of Hybrid Energy-Economy ModelsDale Beugin, Mark Jaccard
2011The Energy Journal: Vol. 32, Issue 1_supplModeling Efficiency Standards and a Carbon Tax: Simulations for the U.S. using a Hybrid ApproachRose Murphy, Mark Jaccard
2011Energy Policy: Vol. 39, Issue 11Energy efficiency and the cost of GHG abatement: A comparison of bottom-up and hybrid models for the USRose Murphy, Mark Jaccard
2010Annual Review of Environment and Resources: Vol. 35, Issue 1Evaluating Energy Efficiency Policies with Energy-Economy ModelsLuis Mundaca, Lena Neij, Ernst Worrell, Michael McNeil
2010Energy Economics: Vol. 32, Issue 5Impacts of climate policy on the competitiveness of Canadian industry: How big and how to mitigate?Nic Rivers
2008Climate Policy: Vol. 8, Issue sup1Permit sellers, permit buyers: China and Canada's roles in a global low-carbon societyCHRIS BATAILLE, JIANJUN TU, MARK JACCARD
2006The Energy Journal: Vol. 27, Issue 2_supplHybrid Modeling: New Answers to Old Challenges Introduction to the Special Issue of The Energy JournalJean-Charles Hourcade, Mark Jaccard, Chris Bataille, Frédéric Ghersif


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