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2024Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society: Vol. 2024, Issue 1Decisions on Estimation of Carbon Limits and Environmental Investment with Incomplete InformationJian Pan, Yumei Jiang, Xiaran Zhang, Qingchun Meng, Mijanur Rahaman Seikh
2024Journal of Accounting and Public Policy: Vol. 44Is the mispricing of bank earnings related to financial regulation uncertainty?Tuan Ho, Edward Lee, Gerald J. Lobo, Zhenmei Zhu
2023Energy and Climate Change: Vol. 4The aggregate effects of the structure of information in low-carbon transition policies: An application to FranceDarius Corbier, Frédéric Gonand
2021Accounting & Finance: Vol. 61, Issue 2Estimation of a term structure model of carbon prices through state space methods: The European Union emissions trading schemeThomas Aspinall, Adrian Gepp, Geoff Harris, Simone Kelly, Colette Southam, Bruce Vanstone
2020European Journal of Operational Research: Vol. 284, Issue 1Technology Choice under Emission Regulation Uncertainty in International Container ShippingChristian Haehl, Stefan Spinler
2018The Energy Journal: Vol. 39, Issue 1Hedging Strategies: Electricity Investment Decisions under Policy UncertaintyJennifer F. Morris, Vivek Srikrishnan, Mort D. Webster, John M. Reilly
2018Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review: Vol. 113Capacity expansion under regulatory uncertainty: A real options-based study in international container shippingChristian Haehl, Stefan Spinler
2018Environmental and Resource Economics: Vol. 69, Issue 2The Impacts of Alternative Policy Instruments on Environmental Performance: A Firm Level Study of Temporary and Persistent EffectsBrita Bye, Marit E. Klemetsen
2018Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 91Greening the power generation sector: Understanding the role of uncertaintyTeresa Romano, Elena Fumagalli
2017Energy Policy: Vol. 108Abandonment of natural gas production and investment in carbon storageDominic Hauck, Andries F. Hof
2017Energy Economics: Vol. 63The real options to shutdown, startup, and abandon: U.S. electricity industry evidenceStein-Erik Fleten, Erik Haugom, Carl J. Ullrich
2017Resource and Energy Economics: Vol. 49Permits vs. offsets under investment uncertaintyNicolas Koch, Wolf Heinrich Reuter, Sabine Fuss, Godefroy Grosjean
2017Energy: Vol. 118Optimal combined long-term facility design and short-term operational strategy for CHP capacity investmentsJose L. Mojica, Damon Petersen, Brigham Hansen, Kody M. Powell, John D. Hedengren
2017Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management: Vol. 24, Issue 3Do Perceived Operational Impacts Affect the Portfolio of Carbon‐Abatement Technologies?Chien‐Ming Chen, Maria J. Montes‐Sancho
2016International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control: Vol. 54Identification of a representative dataset for long-term monitoring at the Weyburn CO2-injection enhanced oil recovery site, Saskatchewan, CanadaRebecca Shuang Gao, Alexander Y. Sun, Jean-Philippe Nicot
2016Computational Optimization and Applications: Vol. 65, Issue 2Perfectly competitive capacity expansion games with risk-averse participantsDane A. Schiro, Benjamin F. Hobbs, Jong-Shi Pang
2015Applied Energy: Vol. 158The influence of uncertainty in the development of a CO2 infrastructure networkM.M.J. Knoope, A. Ramírez, A.P.C. Faaij
2015Energy Conversion and Management: Vol. 95New technology integration approach for energy planning with carbon emission considerationsSajjad Ahmed, Mohamed Elsholkami, Ali Elkamel, Juan Du, Erik B. Ydstie, Peter L. Douglas
2014WIREs Energy and Environment: Vol. 3, Issue 5Four decades of multiyear targets in energy policy: aspirations or credible commitments?Gregory F. Nemet, Peter Braden, Ed Cubero, Bickey Rimal
2014WIREs Climate Change: Vol. 5, Issue 2Perceptions and communication strategies for the many uncertainties relevant for climate policyAnthony G. Patt, Elke U. Weber
2013Journal of Environmental Management: Vol. 117Rationing health protection: A proposal to exempt nuisance dust from US Clean Air Act RegulationsTerence J. Centner, Gregory Colson
2013SSRN Electronic JournalOptimal Power Generation Investment: Impact of Technology Choices and Existing Portfolios for Deploying Low-Carbon Coal TechnologiesWilko Rohlfs, Reinhard Madlener
2013Advanced Materials Research: Vol. 869-870Analysis of Policy Incentives for Selection of CCS TechnologiesChao Huang, Xiao Qin Li, Li Fei Chen
2012International Journal of Industrial Organization: Vol. 30, Issue 1Uncertain regulatory timing and market dynamicsNathan E. Wilson
2012Energy Policy: Vol. 40Renewables and climate change mitigation: Irreversible energy investment under uncertainty and portfolio effectsSabine Fuss, Jana Szolgayová, Nikolay Khabarov, Michael Obersteiner
2012Applied Energy: Vol. 97Renewable energy investment: Policy and market impactsWolf Heinrich Reuter, Jana Szolgayová, Sabine Fuss, Michael Obersteiner
2011The Energy Journal: Vol. 32, Issue 1Politics and Economics of Second-Best Regulation of Greenhouse Gases: The Importance of Regulatory CredibilityValentina Bosetti, David G. Victor
2011Energy Policy: Vol. 39, Issue 4How emission certificate allocations distort fossil investments: The German exampleMichael Pahle, Lin Fan, Wolf-Peter Schill
2011Environment and Development Economics: Vol. 16, Issue 4Options on low-cost abatement and investment in the energy sector: new perspectives on REDDSABINE FUSS, JANA SZOLGAYOVA, ALEXANDER GOLUB, MICHAEL OBERSTEINER
2011European Transactions on Electrical Power: Vol. 21, Issue 6A dynamic CVaR‐portfolio approach using real options: an application to energy investmentsJana Szolgayová, Sabine Fuss, Nikolay Khabarov, Michael Obersteiner
2011The Energy Journal: Vol. 32, Issue 1Investment Propensities under Carbon Policy UncertaintyJanne Kettunen, Derek W. Bunn, William Blyth
2011American Journal of Operations Research: Vol. 01, Issue 04Optimal Generator Portfolio in Day-Ahead Market under Uncertain Carbon Tax PolicyShengyuan Chen, Ming Zhao
2011SSRN Electronic JournalMulti-Commodity Real Options Analysis of Power Plant Investments: Discounting Endogenous Risk StructuresWilko Rohlfs, Reinhard Madlener
2011SSRN Electronic JournalHow Emission Certificate Allocations Distort Fossil Investments: The German ExampleMichael Pahle, Lin Fan, Wolf-Peter Schill
2011Global Environmental Change: Vol. 21, Issue 2Policy incentives for carbon capture and storage technologies in Europe: A qualitative multi-criteria analysisChristoph von Stechow, Jim Watson, Barbara Praetorius
2010Journal of Environmental Economics and Management: Vol. 60, Issue 3Risk aversion and CO2 regulatory uncertainty in power generation investment: Policy and modeling implicationsLin Fan, Benjamin F. Hobbs, Catherine S. Norman
2009Energy Policy: Vol. 37, Issue 2Impact of climate policy uncertainty on the adoption of electricity generating technologiesSabine Fuss, Daniel J.A. Johansson, Jana Szolgayova, Michael Obersteiner
2009SSRN Electronic JournalEffects of Low-Cost Offsets on Energy Investment - New Perspectives on REDDSabine Fuss, Alexander Golub, Jana Szolgayova, Michael Obersteiner
2009Environmental Science & Technology: Vol. 43, Issue 3Economic and Environmental Costs of Regulatory Uncertainty for Coal-Fired Power PlantsDalia Patiño-Echeverri, Paul Fischbeck, Elmar Kriegler
2008Environmental Science & Technology: Vol. 42, Issue 9Short Run Effects of a Price on Carbon Dioxide Emissions from U.S. Electric GeneratorsAdam Newcomer, Seth A. Blumsack, Jay Apt, Lester B. Lave, M. Granger Morgan
2008Energy Policy: Vol. 36, Issue 10Assessing the effects of CO2 price caps on electricity investments—A real options analysisJana Szolgayova, Sabine Fuss, Michael Obersteiner
2008Applied Energy: Vol. 85, Issue 8Investment under market and climate policy uncertaintySabine Fuss, Jana Szolgayova, Michael Obersteiner, Mykola Gusti
2007Environmental Science & Technology: Vol. 41, Issue 23Should a Coal-Fired Power Plant be Replaced or Retrofitted?Dalia Patiño-Echeverri, Benoit Morel, Jay Apt, Chao Chen


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