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2020Journal of the Korean Society of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers: Vol. 57, Issue 4 A Study on Asymmetric Market Integration of the Crude Oil Markets: An Application of Hidden Cointegration Gobong Choi
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2019SSRN Electronic Journal Closer to One Great Pool? Evidence from Structural Breaks in Oil Price DifferentialsMichael D. Plante, Grant Strickler
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2018The Energy Journal: Vol. 39, Issue 1_supplHow Persistent are Shocks to Energy Prices?Atanu Ghoshray
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2016Applied Economics: Vol. 48, Issue 24An investigation into the dynamic relationship between international and China’s crude oil pricesHing Lin Chan, Kai-Yin Woo
2016Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications: Vol. 447Finding the multipath propagation of multivariable crude oil prices using a wavelet-based network approachXiaoliang Jia, Haizhong An, Xiaoqi Sun, Xuan Huang, Xiangyun Gao
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2015Energy Economics: Vol. 49How do correlations of crude oil prices co-move? A grey correlation-based wavelet perspectiveXiaoliang Jia, Haizhong An, Wei Fang, Xiaoqi Sun, Xuan Huang
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2002Geosystem Engineering: Vol. 5, Issue 4Estimating Long-Run Relationship among Crude Oil Spot Prices, U.S. Inventory, and OPEC Production—An Error Correction Model Approach -Eunnyeong Heo, Sung-Jin Seo
1999The Energy Journal: Vol. 20, Issue 1Regionalization in the World Crude Oil Market: Further EvidenceS. Gürcan Gülen


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