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2018Applied Energy: Vol. 222Price elasticities of retail energy demands in the United States: New evidence from a panel of monthly data for 2001–2016C.K. Woo, Y. Liu, J. Zarnikau, A. Shiu, X. Luo, F. Kahrl
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2016Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy: Vol. 11, Issue 11An analysis of economic benefits of the Southern Gas CorridorMübariz Hasanov
2016Empirical Economics: Vol. 51, Issue 1Estimating the evolution of elasticities of natural gas demand: the case of Istanbul, TurkeyGalip Altinay, A. Talha Yalta
2016SSRN Electronic JournalThe Price and Income Elasticities of Natural Gas Demand: International EvidencePaul J. Burke, Hewen Yang
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2011Ecological Economics: Vol. 70, Issue 7The economic impact of shale gas extraction: A review of existing studiesThomas C. Kinnaman
2011SSRN Electronic JournalAre Oil and Natural Gas Going Separate Ways in the UK? Cointegration Tests with Structural ShiftsRoy Endre Dahl, Atle Oglend, Petter Osmundsen, Marius Sikveland
2010Energy Economics: Vol. 32, Issue 4When is a break-up of Gazprom good for Russia?Marina Tsygankova
2009SSRN Electronic JournalEstimating Regional Short-Run and Long-Run Price Elasticities of Residential Natural Gas Demand in the U.S.Frederick Joutz
2009Applied Energy: Vol. 86, Issue 4Estimating the residential demand function for natural gas in Seoul with correction for sample selection biasSeung-Hoon Yoo, Hea-Jin Lim, Seung-Jun Kwak
2008The Energy Journal: Vol. 29, Issue 3Natural Gas Demand in the European Household SectorFrank Asche, OddBjarte Nilsen, Ragnar Tveteras
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2004The World Economy: Vol. 27, Issue 8The Merits of Dual Pricing of Russian Natural GasDavid G. Tarr, Peter D. Thomson
1997Journal of Business & Economic Statistics: Vol. 15, Issue 1Estimation of Short-Run and Long-Run Elasticities of Energy Demand From Panel Data Using Shrinkage EstimatorsG. S. Maddala, Robert P. Trost, Hongyi Li, Frederick Joutz
1995The Energy Journal: Vol. 16, Issue 1Effects of Liberalizing the Natural Gas Markets in Western Europe*Rolf Golombek, Eystein Gjelsvik, Knut Einar Rosendahl
1994The Energy Journal: Vol. 15, Issue 4Cost-Effective Climate Policy in a Small CountryCathrine Hagem
1993Journal of Consumer Affairs: Vol. 27, Issue 1Effect of Thermal Improvements in Housing on Residential Energy DemandLI‐MIN HSUEH, JENNIFER L. GERNER
1991Economics of Planning: Vol. 24, Issue 3Impact of the political and economic restructuring in Eastern Europe on the availability of net energy exports?An emprirical frameworkFranz Wirl
1990Journal of Regulatory Economics: Vol. 2, Issue 3Spot and forward markets for natural gas: The effects of state regulationThomas P. Lyon


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