Cited By
2024Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics: Vol. 28, Issue 3Interfuel Substitution and Inflation Dynamics in IndiaAnirban Sengupta, Apostolos Serletis, Libo Xu
2022Macroeconomic Dynamics: Vol. 26, Issue 8CREDIT CARDS, THE DEMAND FOR MONEY, AND MONETARY AGGREGATIONJinan Liu, Apostolos Serletis
2022Energy & Environment: Vol. 33, Issue 1Searching for sustainable electricity generation: The possibility of substituting coal and natural gas with clean energyMufutau Opeyemi Bello, Sakiru Adebola Solarin
2022Journal of Commodity Markets: Vol. 28Interfuel substitution: A copula approachApostolos Serletis, Libo Xu
2022Energy Economics: Vol. 107Understanding the estimation of oil demand and oil supply elasticitiesLutz Kilian
2021International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology: Vol. 28, Issue 5Sustainable electricity generation: the possibility of substituting fossil fuels for hydropower and solar energy in ItalySakiru Adebola Solarin, Mufutau Opeyemi Bello, Festus Victor Bekun
2020SSRN Electronic Journal Biofuel Substitution in the U.S. Transportation SectorA K M Nurul Hossain, Apostolos Serletis
2020The Journal of Economic Asymmetries: Vol. 22Biofuel substitution in the U.S. transportation sectorA. K. M. Nurul Hossain, Apostolos Serletis


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