Cited By
2024Canadian Public Policy: Vol. 50, Issue S1Exploring the Landscape of Canadian Climate PolicyJennifer Winter
2024Journal of Cleaner Production: Vol. 450The effectiveness of environmental protection policies on greenhouse gas emissionsNusrate Aziz, Belayet Hossain, Laura Lamb
2024Climate Policy: Vol. 24, Issue 1Contribution of carbon pricing to meeting a mid-century net zero targetErik Haites, Paolo Bertoldi, Michael König, Christopher Bataille, Felix Creutzig, Dipak Dasgupta, Stéphane de la rue du Can, Smail Khennas, Yong-Gun Kim, Lars J. Nilsson, Joyashree Roy, Agus Sari
2024Nature Communications: Vol. 15, Issue 1Systematic review and meta-analysis of ex-post evaluations on the effectiveness of carbon pricingNiklas Döbbeling-Hildebrandt, Klaas Miersch, Tarun M. Khanna, Marion Bachelet, Stephan B. Bruns, Max Callaghan, Ottmar Edenhofer, Christian Flachsland, Piers M. Forster, Matthias Kalkuhl, Nicolas Koch, William F. Lamb, Nils Ohlendorf, Jan Christoph Steckel, Jan C. Minx
2024Research in Transportation Economics: Vol. 105Behavioral optimization of US air travel taxesShih-Hsien Chuang
2023Journal of Economic Surveys: Vol. 37, Issue 4Carbon taxation: A review of the empirical literatureAngela Köppl, Margit Schratzenstaller
2023Frontiers in Climate: Vol. 4Climate policy in British Columbia: An unexpected journeyMalcolm Fairbrother, Ekaterina Rhodes
2023Energies: Vol. 16, Issue 3Production Controls in Heavy Oil and Bitumen Markets: Surplus Transfer Due to Alberta’s Curtailment PolicyBrandon Schaufele, Jennifer Winter
2023SSRN Electronic JournalHow effective are emission taxes in reducing air pollution?Thilo Erbertseder, Martin Jacob, Hannes Taubenböck, Kira Zerwer
2023Nordic Tax Journal: Vol. 2023, Issue 1Carbon Pricing in Finland: Balancing policy goalsEelis Paukku
2023Sustainable Production and Consumption: Vol. 36Price elasticity of CO2 emissions in China: A machine learning approachHeng Lei, Minggao Xue, Huiling Liu, Jing Ye
2022SSRN Electronic Journal Carbon Pricing and the Elasticity of Co2 EmissionsRyan Rafaty, Geoffroy Dolphin, Felix Pretis
2022Energy Policy: Vol. 160How effective is carbon taxation on residential heating demand? A household-level analysisLaurent Ott, Sylvain Weber
2022Journal of Environmental Management: Vol. 317How would the carbon tax on energy commodities affect consumer welfare? Evidence from China's household energy consumption systemJianghua Liu, Nianjiao Gong, Jiahong Qin
2022Journal of Environmental Economics and Management: Vol. 112The heterogeneous incidence of fuel carbon taxes: Evidence from station-level dataJarkko Harju, Tuomas Kosonen, Marita Laukkanen, Kimmo Palanne
2022SSRN Electronic Journal Carbon Pricing and the Elasticity of Co2 EmissionsRyan Rafaty, Geoffroy Dolphin, Felix Pretis
2022Environmental and Resource Economics: Vol. 83, Issue 3On the quality of emission reductions: observed effects of carbon pricing on investments, innovation, and operational shifts. A response to van den Bergh and Savin (2021)Johan Lilliestam, Anthony Patt, Germán Bersalli
2022Journal of Environmental Management: Vol. 321Pass-through of diesel taxes and the effect on carbon emissions: Evidence from ChinaJiayu Sun, Xiao-Bing Zhang, Yang Liu, Xinye Zheng
2021The Energy Journal: Vol. 42, Issue 3The Impact of a Revenue-Neutral Carbon Tax on GDP Dynamics: The Case of British ColumbiaJean-Thomas Bernard, Maral Kichian
2021WIREs Climate Change: Vol. 12, Issue 1The effect of carbon pricing on technological change for full energy decarbonization: A review of empirical ex‐post evidenceJohan Lilliestam, Anthony Patt, Germán Bersalli
2021SSRN Electronic Journal Is Revenue-Neutrality of Carbon Taxation Possible in Practice? Two Case Studies From CanadaJoel Wood
2020Humanities and Social Sciences Communications: Vol. 7, Issue 1Supply control vs. demand control: why is resource tax more effective than carbon tax in reducing emissions?Boqiang Lin, Zhijie Jia
2020Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene: Vol. 8Carbon pricing approaches for climate decisions in U.S. higher education: Proxy carbon prices for deep decarbonizationAlexander R. Barron, Breanna J. Parker, Susan S. Sayre, Shana S. Weber, Dano J. Weisbord, Anne R. Kapuscinski, Peter C. Frumhoff
2020Science of The Total Environment: Vol. 720Employing the CGE model to analyze the impact of carbon tax revenue recycling schemes on employment in coal resource-based areas: Evidence from ShanxiXiaoyu Li, Xilong Yao, Zhi Guo, Jiaoyan Li
2020Canadian Public Policy: Vol. 46, Issue 1Carbon Pricing and Competitiveness Pressures: The Case of Cement TradeVincent Thivierge
2020Institute for New Economic Thinking Working Paper SeriesCarbon Pricing and the Elasticity of CO2 EmissionsRyan Rafatya, Geoffroy Dolphin, Felix Pretis
2019SSRN Electronic JournalDoes a Carbon Tax Reduce CO 2 Emissions? Evidence From British ColumbiaFelix Pretis
2019The Energy Journal: Vol. 40, Issue 1_supplHow Do Oil Shocks Impact Energy Consumption? A Disaggregated Analysis for the U.S.Thi Hong Van Hoang, Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad, Robert L. Czudaj, Javed Ahmad Bhat
2019SSRN Electronic Journal A Systems Perspective to Market – Based Mechanisms (MBM) Comparison for International ShippingKah-Hin Chai, Xin Ni Lee, Antoine Gaudin
2019Energy Policy: Vol. 132Carbon pricing pass-through: Evidence from Ontario and Quebec's wholesale gasoline marketsCan Erutku
2019Energy Policy: Vol. 131The long and short run effects of British Columbia's carbon tax on diesel demandJean-Thomas Bernard, Maral Kichian
2019Energy Economics: Vol. 80The impact of British Columbia's carbon tax on residential natural gas consumptionDi Xiang, Chad Lawley
2018Climate Policy: Vol. 18, Issue 8Striving for equivalency across the Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario and Québec carbon pricing systems: the Pan-Canadian carbon pricing benchmarkSharon Mascher
2018Climate Policy: Vol. 18, Issue 8Carbon taxes and greenhouse gas emissions trading systems: what have we learned?Erik Haites


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