Cited By
2024Land Use Policy: Vol. 141Vehicle electrification and fuel economy policies: Impacts on agricultural land-use in the United StatesJerome Dumortier
2024Journal of Industrial Ecology: Vol. 28, Issue 2Electric and gasoline vehicle total cost of ownership across US citiesMaxwell Woody, Shawn A. Adderly, Rushabh Bohra, Gregory A. Keoleian
2024Journal of Environmental Economics and Management: Vol. 125Consumer demand and the economy-wide costs of regulation: Modeling households with empirically estimated flexible functional formsEnsieh Shojaeddini, Andrew Schreiber, Ann Wolverton, Alex Marten
2024Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice: Vol. 180Trends in scrappage and survival of U.S. light-duty vehiclesDavid L. Greene, Benjamin Leard
2024Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy: Vol. 5The Economic Determinants of Heat Pump AdoptionLucas W. Davis
2024Regional Science and Urban Economics: Vol. 107Decarbonizing passenger transportation in developing countries: Lessons and perspectives1Shanjun Li, Binglin Wang, Hui Zhou
2024ACS Energy Letters: Vol. 9, Issue 8Insights into the Critical Materials Supply Chain of the Battery Market for Enhanced Energy SecurityMarm Dixit, Brett Witherspoon, Nitin Muralidharan, Matthew M. Mench, Chol-Bum M. Kweon, Yang-Kook Sun, Ilias Belharouak
2023Environmental and Resource Economics: Vol. 84, Issue 1Interactions Between U.S. Vehicle Electrification, Climate Change, and Global Agricultural MarketsJerome Dumortier, Miguel Carriquiry, Amani Elobeid
2023Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice: Vol. 172Is vehicle scrapping affected by low-emission zones? The case of MadridJacint Balaguer, José C. Pernías, Jordi Ripollés
2023Travel Behaviour and Society: Vol. 31Disparities in the “who” and “where” of the vehicle purchase decision-making process for lower-income householdsGregory Pierce, Rachel Connolly
2023Environmental Research Letters: Vol. 18, Issue 7Coordinating the electric vehicle transition and electricity grid decarbonization in the U.S. is not essential to achieving substantial long-term carbon dioxide emissions reductionsBenjamin Leard, David Greene
2022SSRN Electronic Journal Is Vehicle Scrapping Affected by Low-Emission Zones? The Case of MadridJacint Balaguer, José C. Pernías, Jordi Ripollés
2022Ecological Economics: Vol. 200Light-duty vehicle fleet electrification in the United States and its effects on global agricultural marketsJerome Dumortier, Amani Elobeid, Miguel Carriquiry
2021European Transport Research Review: Vol. 13, Issue 1Lifespans of passenger cars in Europe: empirical modelling of fleet turnover dynamicsMaximilian Held, Nicolas Rosat, Gil Georges, Hermann Pengg, Konstantinos Boulouchos
2021Economic Affairs: Vol. 41, Issue 2Rising repair costs and the throwaway societyJohn McCollough, Ailian Qiu
2021Journal of Cleaner Production: Vol. 313Barriers to product longevity: A review of business, product development and user perspectivesPeter Byrial Jensen, Linda Nhu Laursen, Louise Møller Haase
2021Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering: Vol. 235, Issue 2-3Car abuse rate: A car treatment history representationAysan Mahmoudzadeh, Farshad Eshghi, Manoochehr Kelarestaghi
2021Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment: Vol. 101Distributional effects from policies for reduced CO2-emissions from car use in 2030Roger Pyddoke, Jan-Erik Swärdh, Staffan Algers, Shiva Habibi, Noor Sedehi Zadeh
2020Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment: Vol. 78Public charging infrastructure for plug-in electric vehicles: What is it worth?David L. Greene, Eleftheria Kontou, Brennan Borlaug, Aaron Brooker, Matteo Muratori
2020Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice: Vol. 138Impact of vehicle automation and electric propulsion on production costs for mobility services worldwideHenrik Becker, Felix Becker, Ryosuke Abe, Shlomo Bekhor, Prawira F. Belgiawan, Junia Compostella, Emilio Frazzoli, Lewis M. Fulton, Davi Guggisberg Bicudo, Krishna Murthy Gurumurthy, David A. Hensher, Johan W. Joubert, Kara M. Kockelman, Lars Kröger, Scott Le Vine, Jai Malik, Katarzyna Marczuk, Reza Ashari Nasution, Jeppe Rich, Andrea Papu Carrone, Danqi Shen, Yoram Shiftan, Alejandro Tirachini, Yale Z. Wong, Mengmeng Zhang, Patrick M. Bösch, Kay W. Axhausen
2019Energies: Vol. 12, Issue 20Global Transportation Demand Development with Impacts on the Energy Demand and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Climate-Constrained WorldSiavash Khalili, Eetu Rantanen, Dmitrii Bogdanov, Christian Breyer
2019Weather, Climate, and Society: Vol. 11, Issue 3Motor Vehicle CO2 Emissions in the United States: Potential Behavioral Feedback and Global WarmingLeon S. Robertson
2018Nature Sustainability: Vol. 1, Issue 10A technology-forcing approach to reduce nitrogen pollutionDavid R. Kanter, Timothy D. Searchinger
2018Environmental Research Letters: Vol. 13, Issue 4Climate effects of non-compliant Volkswagen diesel carsKatsumasa Tanaka, Marianne T Lund, Borgar Aamaas, Terje Berntsen
2018Science: Vol. 362, Issue 6419Flawed analyses of U.S. auto fuel economy standardsAntonio M. Bento, Kenneth Gillingham, Mark R. Jacobsen, Christopher R. Knittel, Benjamin Leard, Joshua Linn, Virginia McConnell, David Rapson, James M. Sallee, Arthur A. van Benthem, Kate S. Whitefoot


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