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2024Atlantic Economic JournalOn the WTI-WCS Oil Price DifferentialLibo Xu
2024The Energy Journal: Vol. 45, Issue 2The Asymmetric Relationship between Conventional/Shale Rig Counts and WTI Oil PricesMassimiliano Caporin, Fulvio Fontini, Rocco Romaniello
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2024The Energy Journal: Vol. 45, Issue 1Retail Electricity Market Restructuring and Retail RatesKenneth Rose, Brittany Tarufelli, Gregory B. Upton
2023Journal of Futures Markets: Vol. 43, Issue 6Evaluating robust determinants of the WTI/Brent oil price differential: A dynamic model averaging analysisMichail Filippidis, George Filis, Georgios Magkonis, Panagiotis Tzouvanas
2023Resources Policy: Vol. 80Crude oil pipeline constraints: A tale of two shalesPhat V. Luong
2023Journal of Futures Markets: Vol. 43, Issue 4Temperature, storage, and natural gas futures pricesYanting Chen, Peter R. Hartley, Yihui Lan
2023Review of Environmental Economics and Policy: Vol. 17, Issue 2The Economics of Natural Gas Flaring and Methane Emissions in US Shale: An Agenda for Research and PolicyMark Agerton, Ben Gilbert, Gregory B. Upton
2023Resources Policy: Vol. 84Integration and risk transmission in the market for crude oil: New evidence from a time-varying parameter frequency connectedness approachIoannis Chatziantoniou, David Gabauer, Rangan Gupta
2023Labour Economics: Vol. 82Oil & gas induced economic fluctuations and self-employmentBulent Unel, Gregory B. Upton
2022Energy Economics: Vol. 111Tail risk connectedness in the refined petroleum market: A first look at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemicIoannis Chatziantoniou, David Gabauer, Fernando Perez de Gracia
2022SSRN Electronic JournalCrude Oil Pipeline Constraints: A Tale of Two ShalesPhat V. Luong
2022The Energy Journal: Vol. 43, Issue 3Are Energy Endowed Countries Responsible for Conditional Convergence?Matthew E. Oliver, Gregory B. Upton
2022The Energy Journal: Vol. 43, Issue 5Pipes, Trains and Automobiles: Explaining British Columbia’s High Wholesale Gasoline PricesG. Kent Fellows
2021The Journal of Economic Asymmetries: Vol. 23The Brent-WTI spread revisited: A novel approachIsabella Ruble, John Powell
2021SSRN Electronic Journal Tail Risk Connectedness in the Refined Petroleum Market: A First Look at the Impact of the COVID PandemicIoannis Chatziantoniou, David Gabauer, Fernando Perez de Gracia
2021Energy Economics: Vol. 102Labor demand shocks and earnings and employment differentials: Evidence from the U.S. shale oil & gas boomGregory B. Upton, Han Yu
2021Atlantic Economic Journal: Vol. 49, Issue 1How the Removal of a Market Barrier Enhanced Market Efficiency: The Case of WTI and Brent Crude Oil PricesJennifer Rushlow, Paul Bauer
2021Review of Economic Dynamics: Vol. 42Resource booms and the macroeconomy: The case of U.S. shale oilNida Çakır Melek, Michael Plante, Mine K. Yücel
2021The Energy Journal: Vol. 42, Issue 2Closer to One Great Pool? Evidence from Structural Breaks inOil Price DifferentialsMichael Plante, Grant Strickler
2020The Energy Journal: Vol. 41, Issue 1Pipeline Capacity Rationing and Crude Oil Price Differentials: The Case of Western CanadaW.D. Walls, Xiaoli Zheng
2020SSRN Electronic JournalElectricity Market Restructuring and Retail RatesGregory Upton, Kenneth M. Rosen, Brittany Tarufelli
2019The Energy Journal: Vol. 40, Issue 2_supplLocation Basis Differentials in Crude Oil PricesPhat V. Luong, Bruce Mizrach, Yoichi Otsubo


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