Cited By
2023Energy and AI: Vol. 13Understanding electricity prices beyond the merit order principle using explainable AIJulius Trebbien, Leonardo Rydin Gorjão, Aaron Praktiknjo, Benjamin Schäfer, Dirk Witthaut
2022Energy Research & Social Science: Vol. 93Does renewable electricity hurt the poor? Exploring levy programs to reduce income inequality and energy poverty across German householdsJan Priesmann, Saskia Spiegelburg, Reinhard Madlener, Aaron Praktiknjo
2022Energy and AI: Vol. 8Scarcity events analysis in adequacy studies using CN2 rule miningFabian Heymann, Ricardo Bessa, Mario Liebensteiner, Konstantinos Parginos, Juan Carlos Martin Hinojar, Pablo Duenas
2022Energy Economics: Vol. 111What comes down must go up: Why fluctuating renewable energy does not necessarily increase electricity spot price variance in EuropeFranziska Schöniger, Ulrich B. Morawetz
2022Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability: Vol. 7Heading towards democratic and sustainable electricity systems – the example of AustriaReinhard Haas, Hans Auer, Gustav Resch, Hussein Kazem, Marta Szabo, Abdul Salam K. Darwish
2022Energy Economics: Vol. 106On wholesale electricity prices and market values in a carbon-neutral energy systemDiana Böttger, Philipp Härtel
2022Energy Economics: Vol. 109Market premia for renewables in Germany: The effect on electricity pricesManuel Frondel, Matthias Kaeding, Stephan Sommer
2021Energies: Vol. 14, Issue 18A Capacity Market for the Transition towards Renewable-Based Electricity Generation with Enhanced Political FeasibilitySebastian Schäfer, Lisa Altvater
2021Sustainability: Vol. 13, Issue 11Structure Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Cross-Border Electricity Trade: A Complex Network PerspectiveYue Pu, Yunting Li, Yingzi Wang
2021Energy Economics: Vol. 104Vertical integration, peaking plant commitments and the role of credit quality in energy-only marketsPaul Simshauser
2020Energy Economics: Vol. 87Do Intermittent Renewables Threaten the Electricity Supply Security?Mario Liebensteiner, Matthias Wrienz
2020Applied Energy: Vol. 263Can we phase-out all of them? Probabilistic assessments of security of electricity supply for the German caseLars Nolting, Aaron Praktiknjo
2020Energies: Vol. 13, Issue 16Economic Issues in Deep Low-Carbon Energy SystemsIgnacio Mauleón
2020Applied Energy: Vol. 277How to model European electricity load profiles using artificial neural networksChristian Behm, Lars Nolting, Aaron Praktiknjo
2019Applied Energy: Vol. 235Modelling the impact of geographical diversification of wind turbines on the required firm capacity in GermanyMichael Bucksteeg
2019Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft: Vol. 43, Issue 2How Renewable Energy Is Changing the German Energy System—a Counterfactual ApproachCarl-Philipp Anke
2019Energy Policy: Vol. 135Energy Supplier 2.0: A conceptual business model for energy suppliers aggregating flexible distributed assets and policy issues raisedJan Martin Specht, Reinhard Madlener
2019Energies: Vol. 12, Issue 5Blockchain Technology and Electricity Wholesale Markets: Expert Insights on Potentials and Challenges for OTC Trading in EuropeCarol Inoue Dick, Aaron Praktiknjo
2018Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 82The renewable energy policy ParadoxJorge Blazquez, Rolando Fuentes-Bracamontes, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Nora Nezamuddin
2018Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy: Vol. 6, Issue 1Meeting peak electricity demand through combinatorial reverse auctioning of renewable energyShubhashis Kumar SHIL, Samira SADAOUI
2018Carbon Management: Vol. 9, Issue 5Long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies for achieving the 1.5 °C target – insights from a comparison of German bottom-up energy scenariosSascha Samadi, Julia Terrapon-Pfaff, Stefan Lechtenböhmer, Katharina Knoop
2018Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 91Market design for a high-renewables European electricity systemDavid Newbery, Michael G. Pollitt, Robert A. Ritz, Wadim Strielkowski
2017EPJ Web of Conferences: Vol. 148Power system and market integration of renewable electricityGeorg Erdmann, D. Cahen, L. Cifarelli, D. Ginley, A. Slaoui, A. Terrasi, F. Wagner
2016Applied Energy: Vol. 183Analysis of design options for the electricity market: The German caseDogan Keles, Andreas Bublitz, Florian Zimmermann, Massimo Genoese, Wolf Fichtner


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