Past IAEE Conferences

Venues are not available prior to 1993. Attendance figures are not available prior to 1995.

YearDates Host City Venue Att.
1979 Washington DC
1980 Cambridge, England
1981 Toronto, Canada
1982 Cambridge, England
1983 New Dehli, India
1984 Cambridge, England
1985 Bonn, Germany
1986 Tokyo, Japan
1987 Calgary, Canada
1988 Luxembourg
1989 Caracas, Venezuela
1990 New Dehli, India
1990 Copenhagen, Denmark
1991 Honolulu, Hawaii
1992 Tours, France
1993July 27-29 Bali, Indonesia Nasa Indah Hotel
1994 May 25 - 27Stavanger, Norway Reso Atlantic Hotel
1995July 5 - 8 Washington DC JW Marriott Hotel 500
1996May 27 - 30 Budapest, Hungary Hyatt Hotel350
1997Jan. 22 - 24 New Dehli, India Taj Palace International 475
1998May 13 - 16 Quebec City, Canada Chatuea Frontenac 450
1999June 9 - 12 Rome, Italy Grand Hotel Parco dei Principi 400
2000June 7 - 10 Sydney, Australia Sydney Hilton 325
2001April 25 - 27 Houston, Texas Omni Hotel 375
2002June 26 - 29 Aberdeen, Scotland Marriott & Convention Center 350
2003June 4 - 7 Prague, Czech Republic Dorint Don Giovanni Hotel 400
2003Oct. 19 -21 Mexico City, Mexico Camino Real Hotel 310
2004July 8 - 10 Washington, DC Capital Hilton Hotel 375
2005June 3 - 6 Taipei, Taiwan Grand Hotel 500
2005Sept. 18 - 21 Denver, CO Omni Interlocken Resort 275
2006June 7 - 10 Potsdam, Germany Kongresshotel am Templiner See 425
2007Feb. 18 - 21 Wellington, New Zealand Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand 300
2007June 10 - 13 Florence, Italy Grand Hotel Baglioni 350
2007Nov. 5 - 6 Taipei, Taiwan CPC Headquarters 225
2008June 18 - 20 Istanbul, Turkey Sheraton Maslak 550
2009June 21 - 24 San Francisco, CA Grand Hyatt Hotel 393
2010June 6 - 9Rio de Janeiro, Brazil InterContinenal Hotel550
2011June 19 - 23 Stockholm, Sweden Stockholm School of Economics 550


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