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Short- to Mid-term Day-Ahead Electricity Price Forecasting Using Futures

Rick Steinert and Florian Ziel

Year: 2019
Volume: Volume 40
Number: Number 1
DOI: 10.5547/01956574.40.1.rste
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Due to the liberalization of markets, the change in the energy mix and the surrounding energy laws, electricity research is a dynamically altering field with steadily changing challenges. One challenge especially for investment decisions is to provide reliable short to mid-term forecasts despite high variation in the time series of electricity prices. This paper tackles this issue in a promising and novel approach. By combining the precision of econometric autoregressive models in the short-run with the expectations of market participants reflected in future prices for the short- and mid-run we show that the forecasting performance can be vastly increased while maintaining hourly precision. We investigate the day-ahead electricity price of the EPEX Spot for Germany and Austria and setup a model which incorporates the Phelix future of the EEX for Germany and Austria. The model can be considered as an AR24-X model with one distinct model for each hour of the day. We are able to show that future data contains relevant price information for future time periods of the day-ahead electricity price. We show that relying only on deterministic external regressors can provide stability for forecast horizons of multiple weeks. By implementing a fast and efficient lasso estimation approach we demonstrate that our model can outperform several other models in the literature.

Simulation-based Forecasting for Intraday Power Markets: Modelling Fundamental Drivers for Location, Shape and Scale of the Price Distribution

Simon Hirsch and Florian Ziel

Year: 2024
Volume: Volume 45
Number: Number 3
DOI: 10.5547/01956574.45.3.shir
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During the last years, European intraday power markets have gained importance for balancing forecast errors due to the rising volumes of intermittent renewable generation. However, compared to day-ahead markets, the drivers for the intraday price process are still sparsely researched. In this paper, we propose a modelling strategy for the location, shape and scale parameters of the return distribution in intraday markets, based on fundamental variables. We consider wind and solar forecasts and their intraday updates , outages, price information and a novel measure for the shape of the merit-order, derived from spot auction curves as explanatory variables. We validate our modelling by simulating price paths and compare the probabilistic forecasting performance of our model to benchmark models in a forecasting study for the German market. The approach yields significant improvements in the forecasting performance, especially in the tails of the distribution. At the same time, we are able to derive the contribution of the driving variables. We find that, apart from the first lag of the price changes, none of our fundamental variables have explanatory power for the expected value of the intraday returns. This implies weak-form market efficiency as renewable forecast changes and outage information seems to be priced in by the market. We find that the volatility is driven by the merit-order regime, the time to delivery and the closure of cross-border order books. The tail of the distribution is mainly influenced by past price differences and trading activity. Our approach is directly transferable to other continuous intraday markets in Europe.

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