Manuscript Submission

The Energy Journal publishes original theoretical and empirical papers devoted to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge on energy and related topics. Content and editorial board composition are international in scope. Although most articles emphasize the economic aspects of their subjects, coverage is interdisciplinary. The Energy Journal issues include:

  • Major, refereed articles that deal with theoretical or applied problems of continuing interest in energy economics and related disciplines.
  • Shorter, refereed papers and notes that are topical and that focus on the theory and practice of economics as related to energy and energy policy.
  • An 'Energy Perspectives' section which contains refereed papers that review or analyse important current issues from a broader vantage point. Survey papers are also considered for this section. If you would like to have your review or survey paper considered for the 'Energy Perspectives' section, please be sure to indicate this in the submission process. However, prior to making this selection, please review previous papers in this section. The content should have sufficient breadth and depth to be a suitable Perspectives submission.
  • A ‘Book Review’ section which examines books and topical government reports (national and international) on energy economics, energy policy and related areas.

If you would like to have your review or survey paper considered for the ‘Energy Perspectives’ section, please be sure to indicate this in the submission process.

Submitting First Manuscripts for Initial Refereeing

The Energy Journal uses a single-blind refereeing process in which authors are identified to referees, but not vice versa. Authors, please submit an electronic copy of your paper in pdf format for refereeing, with the authors' names included at

Manuscripts submitted for refereeing should be prepared according to the following style rules, which are based on The Chicago Manual of Style. The submission fee for articles submitted to The Energy Journal is $150. (There is no fee if at least one author is an IAEE member.)

Manuscripts should be double-spaced using 12-point font on a page 8.5 x 11 inches or the metric equivalent. The first page should contain the article title, author(s) name(s) and complete affiliation(s), title, and complete mailing address of the person to whom all correspondence should be addressed. Pages must be numbered. An abstract of no more than 150 words must be included. Please include keywords below the abstract. Manuscripts, (including abstract, footnotes, and references) may not exceed 25-35 pages or 9,500 words. Appendices may be provided separately that do not count against the length limit. Manuscripts that do not conform to these guidelines will not be reviewed.

Mathematical expressions should be set in italic type with all equations numbered consecutively on the right hand side of the page. Articles should carry no more than 12 complex equations (defined as multi-lined equations).

Tables should be numbered consecutively. All tables should have concise titles.

Footnotes should be numbered consecutively with superscript Arabic numerals. Footnotes are placed at the bottom of each page.

All figures should be numbered consecutively throughout the text.

Authors submitting a manuscript do so with the understanding that if it is accepted for publication, copyright in the article, including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media, shall be assigned exclusively to The Energy Journal. The Journal will not refuse any reasonable request by the author for permission to reproduce any of his or her contributions to the journal.

Submitted papers may undergo electronic web-based analysis to ensure their originality and to identify possible cases of plagiarism. Submission to The Energy Journal implies that the authors grant permission that such analyses may be performed.

Style and Format Only for Accepted Final Manuscripts

Accepted manuscripts must be submitted in electronic form as either MS Word or LaTeX files. Electronic MS Word files must incorporate all text, tables, equations and graphics. Equations should be in equation editor (or MathType) format. Make sure that they have not inadvertently been converted to a graphic.

For LaTeX submissions, any separate files used in creating the pdf output file must be included, especially graphics files and a bibliography file if it was used to create the list of references. The pdf output of LaTeX files should also be submitted, preferably using the template available on our web site, which will format the article according to our style requirements and allow you to place graphics, tables etc appropriately. Click here to download the LaTeX template files.

Figures must be submitted as camera-ready copy in a form suitable for reproduction. In addition to the figures placed in the manuscript files, each figure must be provided unembedded as a separate, high-resolution file (at least 300 ppi, and 600 ppi recommended) for typesetting. Acceptable file formats include EPS, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, and PDF. The Journal does not publish in color. Thus, color figures will be converted to grayscale for the print publication. If such conversion will result in poor distinction between parts of the figure, the author must also submit a separate grayscale version that enhances the distinction.

References should be provided using the author-date citation system. Papers should include an alphabetical reference list of all works cited. You may also review past issues of The Energy Journal to see our style of references. Examples follow:

    Style For Book:
    Chandler, Alfred (1977). The Visible Hand. Cambridge: Belknap Press.

    Style For Report:
    Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Economics (1979). The Economic Structure and Behavior of the Natural Gas Production Industry. Staff Report.

    Style For Journal Article:
    Henderson, J.S. (1986). "Price Determination Limits in Relation to the Death Spiral." The Energy Journal 7(3): 150-200.

To view a sample Energy Journal article click here.

Executive Summary

In order to improve the accessibility of Energy Journal papers, authors are required to submit a short (one to two page) non-technical Executive Summary in PDF format which contains the following: a) the motivations underlying the research; b) a short account of the research performed; c) the main conclusions; and, d) potential benefits, applications and policy implications of the work. No tables, charts, graphics, equations, etc. are to be included in the Executive Summary.

Authors are encouraged to include the Executive Summary with their initial submission. Otherwise, it must be submitted together with the first revised version of the paper. Failure to provide the extended abstract will result in delays in the review process and potentially delays in publication.

The Executive Summary will be posted on the IAEE website in advance of the official publication date of the issue of The Energy Journal that carries the author’s article. The purpose of this new, stand-alone document is to communicate the central ideas contained in the research to the nontechnical reader. It is the editors’ belief that this will benefit not only authors, whose work will be more widely recognized, but also the broader policy, industry and governmental communities which are constantly in search of answers to difficult energy-related questions.

Revised Article Resubmission

Revised articles, along with the Executive Summary, should be emailed directly to the Managing Editor at

Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for approval before publication.

Data Availability Policy

The Energy Journal is committed to the principle that results in papers that it publishes must be replicable. Once a paper has been accepted, the author(s) must confirm his/her willingness to make data and programs available to other researchers on a request basis. The Journal recognizes that in some cases, data and/or programs are proprietary or may have required considerable resources to assemble. If this is the case, the author(s) are required to write a letter to the Editor in charge of the paper to explain the circumstances. In such cases it is expected that the author(s) be willing to share their data/programs on the condition that the researcher will use the materials solely for the purpose of replicating the results.

Additional Notes

The Editors of The Energy Journal may submit papers for publication consideration by following the procedures and criteria as approved by the Board of Editors. Please visit for further information.

Click here for IAEE’s Publication Policy.

Book Reviews

To submit Books for review, please contact Managing Editor at

Book Review Editors:

Carol Dahl, Colorado School of Mines.
Timothy W. T. Fitzgerald, Texas Tech University,


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