Website Advertisment Rates

Advertising with the IAEE ensures that your products, services and timely announcements will be presented to the only international association of professionals focused on energy economics. Our members are employed by private businesses, academia, governmental institutions, think tanks, law firms, banks etc. Our membership keeps abreast of current economic thought, data, analytical methods, commentary, trends and policies in the field of energy economics. If you are an advertiser looking to access this valuable community of energy industry experts, advertising to our members is a sure way to promote what you have to offer.


3 Months 1 Year
Homepage $1000 $3400
Interior only (Select high-traffic pages including the Energy Journal and Energy Data Links) $750 $2550
Both (Homepage & select interior pages) $1500 $5100


  • Prepayment is required on all advertisements appearing on the IAEE website.
  • All rates are net to IAEE - no agency discounts allowed.
  • All payments must be made in either U.S. dollars with checks drawn on a U.S. bank, creditcard (Mastercard or Visa), or wire transfer.


  • For sidebar advertisements, the maximum width is 300px. Ads approaching square aspect ratios are most appropriate for these spots.
  • For advertisements that appear in the main body of pages, the maximum width is 600px. Advertisements in a banner ad aspect ratio are most appropriate for these positions.


  • All advertisements are subject to IAEE's approval of copy, text, display, and illustration.
  • IAEE reserves the right to cancel advertising agreements.
  • All advertisements are accepted and published on the representation that the advertisers are properly authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof. It is understood that the advertisers will indemnify and save IAEE harmless from and against any claims or suits from libel, violation of the right of privacy, plagiarism, copyright infringement, and any other claims or suits based on the contents or subject matter of such publication.

Marketing Department
International Association for Energy Economics
28790 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 350
Cleveland, OH 44122
Phone: 216-464-5365
Fax: 216-464-2737


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