Cited By
2022Journal of Control Science and Engineering: Vol. 2022Precise Dissemination of E-Commerce Information and Behavior of Social Media UsersYun Zhang, Jackrit Suthakorn
2022Sustainability: Vol. 14, Issue 11The Human Factor in Transmission Network Expansion Planning: The Grid That a Sustainable Energy System NeedsSara Lumbreras, Jesús David Gómez, Erik Francisco Alvarez, Sebastien Huclin
2021Energy Economics: Vol. 104Merchant transmission in single-price electricity markets with cost-based redispatchPhilipp Staudt, Shmuel S. Oren
2018The Energy Journal: Vol. 39, Issue 6A Mechanism for Allocating Benefits and Costs from Transmission Interconnections under Cooperation: A Case Study of the North Sea Offshore GridMartin Kristiansen, Francisco D. Muñoz, Shmuel Oren, Magnus Korpås


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