Cited By
2025Solar Energy: Vol. 286Strategies for integrating residential PV and wind energy in Eritrea’s electricity grid by imposing feed-in constraints in low voltage networkNegash Teklebrhan, A.A. Solomon, Fredric Ottermo, Erik Möllerström, István Seres, István Farkas
2025Energy Policy: Vol. 198Counteracting the duck curve: Prosumage with time-varying import and export electricity tariffsLisa Restel, Kelvin Say
2025Structural Change and Economic Dynamics: Vol. 72Higher prices in a more competitive market: The paradox in the retail electricity market in the United KingdomHuanhuan Chen, Jinke Li, Nigel O'Leary, Jing Shao
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2023Energies: Vol. 16, Issue 7Energy Behaviors of Prosumers in Example of Polish HouseholdsBożena Gajdzik, Magdalena Jaciow, Radosław Wolniak, Robert Wolny, Wieslaw Wes Grebski
2023Journal of the European Economic Association: Vol. 21, Issue 1Can Distributed Intermittent Renewable Generation Reduce Future Grid Investments? Evidence from FranceNicolas Astier, Ram Rajagopal, Frank A Wolak
2023Applied Energy: Vol. 333Shaping the energy transition in the residential sector: Regulatory incentives for aligning household and system perspectivesGianmarco Aniello, Valentin Bertsch
2023Energy Reports: Vol. 9Regulation of photovoltaic prosumer plants: An analysis through a dynamic expression of the avoided costP. Mir-Artigues, P. del Río, A. Gil-Estallo
2023Energy Policy: Vol. 180Energy citizenship: Accounting for the heterogeneity of human behaviours within energy transitionL.F. Schlindwein, C. Montalvo
2023Energy Reports: Vol. 10The role of natural gas in setting electricity prices in EuropeBehnam Zakeri, Iain Staffell, Paul E. Dodds, Michael Grubb, Paul Ekins, Jaakko Jääskeläinen, Samuel Cross, Kristo Helin, Giorgio Castagneto Gissey
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2023Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 171Distributed local energy: Assessing the determinants of domestic-scale solar photovoltaic uptake at the local level across England and WalesSamuel H.C. Collier, Jo I. House, Peter M. Connor, Richard Harris
2022Energy Research & Social Science: Vol. 90Existing tools, user needs and required model adjustments for energy demand modelling of a carbon-neutral EuropeSouran Chatterjee, Vassilis Stavrakas, Gabriel Oreggioni, Diana Süsser, Iain Staffell, Johan Lilliestam, Gergely Molnar, Alexandros Flamos, Diana Ürge-Vorsatz
2022SSRN Electronic Journal Blockchain in the energy sector. An analysis of the Brooklyn case.Alexander Freier
2022Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 160Next frontiers in energy system modelling: A review on challenges and the state of the artMarte Fodstad, Pedro Crespo del Granado, Lars Hellemo, Brage Rugstad Knudsen, Paolo Pisciella, Antti Silvast, Chiara Bordin, Sarah Schmidt, Julian Straus
2022Energies: Vol. 15, Issue 23The Energy Transition as a Super Wicked Problem: The Energy Sector in the Era of Prosumer CapitalismAleksander Jakimowicz
2022IEEE Access: Vol. 10Intent Profile Strategy for Virtual Power Plant Participation in Simultaneous Energy Markets With Dynamic Storage ManagementJuan Aguilar, C. Bordons, A. Arce, R. Galan
2022The Electricity Journal: Vol. 35, Issue 1Cost-reflective dynamic electricity pricing for prosumersMahelet G. Fikru, Jeorge Atherton, Casey I. Canfield
2021Journal of Cleaner Production: Vol. 315Organisations as electricity agents: Identifying success factors to become a prosumerJ.P. Wesche, E. Dütschke
2021Energy Policy: Vol. 152Prosumage of solar electricity: Tariff design, capacity investments, and power sector effectsClaudia Günther, Wolf-Peter Schill, Alexander Zerrahn
2021Sustainability: Vol. 13, Issue 3The Norwegian Vehicle Electrification Policy and Its Implicit Price of CarbonLasse Fridstrøm
2021IEEE Access: Vol. 9Implementation of Smart Grid Technologies in Pakistan under CPEC Project: Technical and Policy ImplicationsAzhar Ul-Haq, Marium Jalal, Mohammad Shahmeer Hassan, Hatem Sindi, Shahzor Ahmad, Shoaib Ahmad
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2021Energies: Vol. 14, Issue 7Residential Photovoltaic Profitability with Storage under the New Spanish Regulation: A Multi-Scenario AnalysisBruno Domenech, Gema Calleja, Jordi Olivella
2021Energies: Vol. 14, Issue 4Prosumers’ Behavior under a Regulation That Encourages Strict Self-Sufficiency. The Case of Spanish Photovoltaic Micro-GenerationPere Mir-Artigues, Pablo del Río
2021Energy Economics: Vol. 101Electric utility mergers in the presence of distributed renewable energyMahelet G. Fikru, Luis Gautier
2021Energy Economics: Vol. 97The increasing cost of ignoring Coase: Inefficient electricity tariffs, welfare loss and welfare-reducing technological changeNiall Farrell
2020Energy Policy: Vol. 139Using insurance to manage reliability in the distributed electricity sector: Insights from an agent-based modelRolando Fuentes, Abhijit Sengupta
2020Energy Policy: Vol. 147On some economic principles of the energy transitionJorge Blazquez, Rolando Fuentes, Baltasar Manzano
2020Applied Energy: Vol. 276Degrees of displacement: The impact of household PV battery prosumage on utility generation and storageKelvin Say, Wolf-Peter Schill, Michele John
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2020Journal of Energy Storage: Vol. 28Comparative life cycle assessment of lithium-ion battery chemistries for residential storageThomas Le Varlet, Oliver Schmidt, Ajay Gambhir, Sheridan Few, Iain Staffell
2020Energy Policy: Vol. 138Towards a solar-hydro based generation: The case of SwitzerlandJuan Esteban Martínez-Jaramillo, Ann van Ackere, Erik R. Larsen
2020Solar Energy: Vol. 211A generic economic framework for electric rate design with prosumersMahelet G. Fikru, Casey I. Canfield
2020Journal of Energy Storage: Vol. 27Quantifying the impact of policy on the investment case for residential electricity storage in the UKDan Gardiner, Oliver Schmidt, Phil Heptonstall, Rob Gross, Iain Staffell
2019Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications: Vol. 27, Issue 11Managing PV power injection and storage, enabling a larger direct consumption of renewable energy: A case study for the Belgian electricity systemMarc Meuris, Pieter Lodewijks, Raf Ponnette, Frank Meinke‐Hubeny, Pieter Valkering, Ronnie Belmans, Jef Poortmans
2019Sustainability: Vol. 11, Issue 12Local Energy Communities and Distributed Generation: Contrasting Perspectives, and Inevitable Policy Trade-Offs, beyond the Apparent Global ConsensusStefano Moroni, Valentina Antoniucci, Adriano Bisello
2019E3S Web of Conferences: Vol. 85Efficient energy use and storage practices within residential facilities for compliance with the nZEB criteriaIon Murgescu, Lucia-Andreea El-Leathey, Rareş-Andrei Chihaia, Gabriela Cîrciumaru, M.C. Balan, F. Bode, C. Croitoru, A. Dogeanu, A. Georgescu, C. Georgescu, I. Nastase, M. Sandu
2019Applied Energy: Vol. 256The evolution over time of Distributed Energy Resource’s penetration: A robust framework to assess the future impact of prosumage under different tariff designsCristian Bustos, David Watts, Daniel Olivares
2019Energies: Vol. 12, Issue 14Notes on the Economics of Residential Hybrid Energy SystemMahelet G. Fikru, Gregory Gelles, Ana-Maria Ichim, Joseph D. Smith
2019Energy Policy: Vol. 132Modeling coordination between renewables and grid: Policies to mitigate distribution grid constraints using residential PV-battery systemsPaul Neetzow, Roman Mendelevitch, Sauleh Siddiqui
2018SSRN Electronic Journal Sharing Is Not Caring: Backward Integration of ConsumersChristian Spindler, Oliver Woll, Dominik Schober
2018Applied Energy: Vol. 228Solar plus: A review of the end-user economics of solar PV integration with storage and load control in residential buildingsEric O'Shaughnessy, Dylan Cutler, Kristen Ardani, Robert Margolis
2018SSRN Electronic Journal The Increasing Cost of Ignoring Coase: Inefficient Electricity Tariffs, Welfare Loss and Distributed Energy ResourcesNiall Farrell
2018Applied Energy: Vol. 213Solar plus: Optimization of distributed solar PV through battery storage and dispatchable load in residential buildingsEric O'Shaughnessy, Dylan Cutler, Kristen Ardani, Robert Margolis
2018SSRN Electronic Journal Modeling Coordination between Renewables and Grid: Policies to Mitigate Distribution Grid Constraints Using Residential PV-Battery SystemsPaul Neetzow, Roman Mendelevitch, Sauleh Siddiqui
2018SSRN Electronic Journal Modeling Coordination Between Renewables and Grid: Policies to Mitigate Distribution Grid Constraints Using Residential PV-Battery SystemsPaul Neetzow, Roman Mendelevitch, Sauleh Siddiqui
2018Nature Energy: Vol. 3, Issue 4Network charges in a low CO2 worldAlessandro Rubino
2018Renewable Energy: Vol. 119An economic model for residential energy consumption, generation, storage and reliance on cleaner energyMahelet G. Fikru, Gregory Gelles, Ana-Maria Ichim, Jonathan W. Kimball, Joseph D. Smith, Maciej Jan Zawodniok
2018Energy Policy: Vol. 122The impacts of photovoltaic electricity self-consumption on value transfers between private and public stakeholders in FranceJonathan Roulot, Ricardo Raineri
2017Nature Energy: Vol. 2, Issue 6Electricity storage: Friend or foe of the networks?Tooraj Jamasb


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