Cited By
2024Ecological Economics: Vol. 217The impossible love of fossil fuel companies for carbon taxesAlain Naef
2024Climate Change Economics: Vol. 15, Issue 01A PAY-FOR-CUTS CARBON TREATYLAURENCE SEIDMAN, XIN YAN
2024The Energy JournalEstimating the Target-Consistent Carbon Price for ElectricityDavid M. Newbery
2024International Journal of Production Economics: Vol. 274Carbon Tax vs. Carbon Cap-and-Trade: Implementation of carbon border tax in cross-regional productionJiawen Hua, Kai Wang, Jun Lin, Yanjun Qian
2023The Energy Journal: Vol. 44, Issue 1The Cost of Carbon Leakage: Britain’s Carbon Price Support and Cross-border Electricity TradeBowei Guo, Newbery David
2023Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik: Vol. 243, Issue 5A Model United Nations Experiment on Climate NegotiationsElisa Hofmann, Lucas Kyriacou, Klaus M. Schmidt
2022Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft: Vol. 46, Issue 1Das grüne Klimaschutz-Sofortprogramm: Mögliche Auswirkungen auf Emissionen und GesellschaftManuel Frondel
2021Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik: Vol. 22, Issue 1Das Design von KlimaschutzverhandlungenKlaus M. Schmidt
2021Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: Vol. 118, Issue 11Focusing climate negotiations on a uniform common commitment can promote cooperationKlaus M. Schmidt, Axel Ockenfels
2021SSRN Electronic JournalIs Price Commitment a Better Solution to Control Carbon Emissions and Promote Technology Investment?Xiaoshuai Fan, Kanglin Chen, Ying-Ju Chen
2021Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: Vol. 118, Issue 45Dynamic climate clubs: On the effectiveness of incentives in global climate agreementsWilliam Nordhaus
2021The Energy Journal: Vol. 42, Issue 5National Climate Policies and Corporate Internal Carbon PricingNuno Bento, Gianfranco Gianfrate, Joseph E. Aldy
2020International Journal of Financial Studies: Vol. 8, Issue 3Financial and Economic Assessment of Tidal Stream Energy—A Case StudyStocker Klaus
2020Energy Policy: Vol. 136Taxing crude oil: A financing alternative to mitigate climate change?Arturo Antón
2020Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy: Vol. 9, Issue 1Global carbon pricing and international tradeTakumi Haibara
2020Policy Design and Practice: Vol. 3, Issue 1A Climate Club as a complementary design to the UN Paris agreementHåkan Pihl
2020Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics: Vol. 64, Issue 4Uniform emission taxes, abatement, and spatial disparitiesHajime Takatsuka
2020Environmental Science & Policy: Vol. 112Diversity disqualifies global uniform carbon pricing for effective climate policyAviel Verbruggen, Hanna Brauers
2019Frontiers of Engineering Management: Vol. 6, Issue 1A global carbon market?Michael G. Pollitt
2019Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung: Vol. 88, Issue 2Linking Cap-and-Trade Systems and Green FinanceKatharina Erdmann, Aleksandar Zaklan, Claudia Kemfert
2018SSRN Electronic JournalGlobal Climate Change Mitigation: Strategic IncentivesSigit Perdana, Rod Tyers
2018Journal of Policy Modeling: Vol. 40, Issue 6An alternative assessment of global climate policiesTarek Atalla, Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Paolo Polinori
2018Oxford Economic Papers: Vol. 70, Issue 4Prices vs quantities for international environmental agreementsUlrike Kornek, Robert Marschinski
2018Journal of Cleaner Production: Vol. 204An equilibrium model of consumer energy choice using a personal carbon trading scheme based on allowance priceJun Li, Shanyong Wang, Jin Fan, Liang Liang
2017SSRN Electronic JournalDesigning and Updating a US Carbon Tax in an Uncertain WorldJoseph E. Aldy
2017SSRN Electronic JournalDesigning and Updating a US Carbon Tax in an Uncertain WorldJoseph E. Aldy
2017ECONOMICS AND POLICY OF ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, Issue 3The Paris Agreement and the "free rider"Christian de Perthuis
2017SSRN Electronic JournalDesigning and Updating a US Carbon Tax in an Uncertain WorldJoseph E. Aldy
2017Economica: Vol. 84, Issue 335Coase Lecture—Taxes, Targets and the Social Cost of CarbonRobert S. Pindyck
2017ECONOMICS AND POLICY OF ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, Issue 1Renewable energy and willingness to pay: Evidences from a meta-analysisGianluca Grilli
2017Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft: Vol. 41, Issue 4Globales Preisabkommen: Ein Weg zu einer effektiven Klimapolitik?Manuel Frondel
2016SSRN Electronic Journal Do Benefits from Dynamic Tariffing Rise? Welfare Effects of Real-Time Pricing Under Carbon-Tax-Induced Variable Renewable Energy SupplyChristian Gambardella, Michael Pahle, Wolf-Peter Schill
2015Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy: Vol. 4, Issue 2An International Carbon-Price Commitment Promotes CooperationPeter Cramton, Axel Ockenfels, Steven Stoft
2015Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik: Vol. 16, Issue 4Ökonomische Herausforderungen des KlimawandelsWolfgang Buchholz, Peter Heindl


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