Cited By
2023Energy Policy: Vol. 180Market failure or politics? Understanding the motives behind regulatory actions to address surging electricity pricesSelahattin Murat Sirin, Ercument Camadan, Ibrahim Etem Erten, Alex Hongliang Zhang
2022Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports: Vol. 9, Issue 3Market Mechanisms and Technology Transition in Australia’s National Electricity MarketLuke Marshall, Anna Bruce, Iain MacGill
2020The Energy Journal: Vol. 41, Issue 1_supplIncumbent’s Bane or Gain? Renewable Support and Strategic Behavior in Electricity MarketsAli Darudi, Hannes Weigt
2020Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports: Vol. 7, Issue 4Impacts of LNG Export and Market Power on Australian Electricity Market Dynamics, 2016–2019Dylan McConnell, Mike Sandiford
2016IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: Vol. 31, Issue 3Capacity and Energy-Only Markets Under High Renewable PenetrationDeb Chattopadhyay, Tansu Alpcan
2015Energy Policy: Vol. 87How does market power affect the impact of large scale wind investment in 'energy only' wholesale electricity markets?Oliver Browne, Stephen Poletti, David Young
2015IET Renewable Power Generation: Vol. 9, Issue 1Integration of solar generation into electricity markets: an Australian National Electricity Market case studyJoel Gilmore, Ben Vanderwaal, Ian Rose, Jenny Riesz
2014IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: Vol. 29, Issue 5A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Wind Generation Variability on Electricity MarketsDeb Chattopadhyay, Tansu Alpcan
2014Energy Economics: Vol. 45Can agent-based models forecast spot prices in electricity markets? Evidence from the New Zealand electricity marketDavid Young, Stephen Poletti, Oliver Browne
2013SSRN Electronic JournalIntegration Costs and the Value of Wind PowerLion Hirth, Falko Ueckerdt, Ottmar Edenhofer


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