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2016Energy Policy: Vol. 92The reference forecast of the German energy transition—An outlook on electricity marketsAndreas Knaut, Christian Tode, Dietmar Lindenberger, Raimund Malischek, Simon Paulus, Johannes Wagner
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2016Energy: Vol. 116The future of nuclear power in France: an analysis of the costs of phasing-outRaimund Malischek, Johannes Trüby
2016Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 57The impact of renewables on electricity prices in Germany – An estimation based on historic spot prices in the years 2011–2013Marius Dillig, Manuel Jung, Jürgen Karl
2014SSRN Electronic Journal A Vision of the European Energy Future? The Impact of the German Response to the Fukushima EarthquakeLuigi Grossi, Sven Heim, Michael Waterson
2014Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy: Vol. 3, Issue 2Germany�s Nuclear Phase Out - A Survey of the Impact since 2011 and Outlook to 2023Friedrich Kunz, Hannes Weigt
2013Energy Policy: Vol. 60Impact of the German nuclear phase-out on Europe's electricity generation—A comprehensive studyKenneth Bruninx, Darin Madzharov, Erik Delarue, William D'haeseleer
2012SSRN Electronic JournalGerman Nuclear Phase-Out Policy: Effects on European Electricity Wholesale Prices, Emission Prices, Conventional Power Plant Investments and Eletricity TradeThure Traber, Claudia Kemfert
2011SSRN Electronic JournalUsing Forward Contracts to Reduce Regulatory CaptureFelix Höffler, Sebastian Kranz


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