Cited By
2022Mathematical Programming: Vol. 195, Issue 1-2A tractable multi-leader multi-follower peak-load-pricing model with strategic interactionVeronika Grimm, Daniel Nowak, Lars Schewe, Martin Schmidt, Alexandra Schwartz, Gregor Zöttl
2022European Journal of Operational Research: Vol. 297, Issue 3The cost of decoupling trade and transport in the European entry-exit gas market with linear physics modelingT. Böttger, V. Grimm, T. Kleinert, M. Schmidt
2022Rio Oil and Gas Expo and Conference: Vol. 22, Issue 2022Transition from a monopolistic market to natural gas competition: The Balancing RulesThomas Krisp De Lucena
2022Rio Oil and Gas Expo and Conference: Vol. 22, Issue 2022Regulation of network industries: the case of natural gas in the UKThomas Krisp De Lucena
2020Journal of Regulatory Economics: Vol. 58, Issue 2-3Competition under revenue-cap regulation with efficiency benchmarking: tariff related incentives for gas transmission system operators in merged marketsJann T. Keller, Gerard H. Kuper, Machiel Mulder
2020Petroleum Science: Vol. 17, Issue 1Numerical modeling and assessment of natural gas pipeline separation in China: the data from Henan ProvinceJian-zhong Xiao, Wei-cheng Kong, Xiao-lin Wang, Ming Li
2019Journal of the Knowledge Economy: Vol. 10, Issue 1The Stability of Islamic and Conventional Banks in the MENA Region Countries During the 2007–2012 Financial CrisisBesma Hamdi, Mohamed Abdouli, Afifa Ferhi, Mouna Aloui, Sami Hammami
2019Mathematical Methods of Operations Research: Vol. 89, Issue 2A multilevel model of the European entry-exit gas marketVeronika Grimm, Lars Schewe, Martin Schmidt, Gregor Zöttl
2019Utilities Policy: Vol. 56Mergers of Germany's natural gas market areas: Is transmission capacity booked efficiently?Jann T. Keller, Gerard H. Kuper, Machiel Mulder
2018Energy Research & Social Science: Vol. 35Governing through visions: Evaluating the performativity of the European gas target modelsMarloes Dignum, Aad Correljé, Martijn Groenleer, Daniel Scholten
2018SSRN Electronic Journal Mergers of Gas Market Areas and Competition Amongst Transmission System Operators: Evidence on Booking Behaviour in the German MarketsJann T. Keller, Gerard H. Kuper, Machiel Mulder
2017SSRN Electronic Journal A Multilevel Model of the European Entry-Exit Gas MarketVeronika Grimm, Lars Schewe, Gregor ZZttl
2017Energy Economics: Vol. 67A fundamental analysis on the implementation and development of virtual natural gas hubsAurora del Valle, Pablo Dueñas, Sonja Wogrin, Javier Reneses
2016Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering: Vol. 33Competition pattern of the global liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade by network analysisZhihua Chen, Haizhong An, Xiangyun Gao, Huajiao Li, Xiaoqing Hao
2016Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports: Vol. 3, Issue 1-2The European Natural Gas MarketAad Correljé
2015Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy: Vol. 4, Issue 1Economics and Politics of Shale Gas in EuropeChi Kong Chyong, David M. Reiner
2014Journal of Institutional Economics: Vol. 10, Issue 3Who decides the rules for network use? A ‘common pool’ analysis of gas network regulationMICHELLE HALLACK, MIGUEL VAZQUEZ
2014SSRN Electronic JournalGas Network and Market Diversity in the US, the EU and Australia: A Story of Network Access RightsJean-Michel Glachant, Michelle Carvalho Hallack, Miguel Vazquez
2014Competition and Regulation in Network Industries: Vol. 15, Issue 1Understanding Institutional Change: The Development of Institutions for the Regulation of the Natural Gas Supply Systems in the United States and the European UnionAad Correljé, Martijn Groenleer, Jasper Veldman
2013SSRN Electronic JournalUnderstanding Institutional Change: The Development of Institutions for the Regulation of Natural Gas Transportation Systems in the US and the EUAad Correljé, Martijn L. P. Groenleer, Jasper Veldman
2013SSRN Electronic JournalGas Network and Market: La Carte?Miguel Vazquez, Michelle Carvalho Hallack, Jean-Michel Glachant


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