Mexico 2003

2003 North American Conference:

The theme for the Mexico Conference was Integrating the Energy Markets in North America". Plenary sessions covered hot issues such as the Role of State Owned Utilities, Oil and Gas in Mexico, Environment and Energy in North America and Energy Security and Reliability. These sessions involved major speakers from industry and government, but the concurrent sessions were the centerpiece of the conference.

Plenary Sessions

23rd IAEE North American Conference - Paul Ziff, CEO, Ziff Energy Group
Seguridad de suministro del gas natural en Mexico - Adrian Lajous
Energy Trade and Transportation: Conscious Parallelism - Carmen Dybwad, Board Member, National Energy Board to the IAEE North American Conference
Energy Trade and Transportation : Forward or Reverse? From the FERC Perspective - William Froehlich
Critical Infrastructure Protection - A Canadian Perspective - Felix Kwamena, Ph.D. Director, Energy Infrastructure Protection Division
Natural Gas Outlook - Guy Caruso, Administrator, Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Energy and the Environment - A Canadian Perspective - Mike Beale, Executive Director Climate Change Economics Branch, Environment Canada
Investor Owned Utilities and Owned Utilities and Private Merchant Generation in North America - Brad Patterson, Duke Energy International Mexico
Energy Trade and Transportation: Mexican Perspective - Integrating the Energy Markets in North America: Issues & Problems, Terms & Conditions - Dionisio Pérez-Jácome, Comisión Reguladora de Energía
The Story of US and Canada's Natural Gas - Matthew R. Simmons, Simmons & Company International
ExxonMobil's 2003 Economic and Energy Outlook - Elissa P. Sterry
Integrating the Energy Markets in North America: Issues and Problems, Terms and Conditions: Mexico's Energy Policy - Francisco Barnes de Castro
Energy Security in an Insecure World - Paul Tempest
Drivers of the Energy Scene - Jean Marie Bourdaire
Energy Trade and Transportation Mexican Perspective - Dionisio Perez Jacome
Gas Power Convergenceor Divergence - Michelle Michot Foss
Integrating the Energy Markets in North America: Issue & Problems, Terms & Conditions: Perspecives of Natural Gas in Mexico - Jose de Jesus Valdez

Parallel Sessions

Integrating the Energy Markets in North-America: Conditions Helping Large-scale Integration of Wind Power? - Stephane Krau, Research Scientist, Gaetan Lafrance, Professor, Bernard Saulnier, Project manager, and Joseph Cohen, Vice President, PERI
Electricity in Mexico: When doing the right thing is not enough - Luis G. Fonseca Guzman, Severo Lopez-Mestre Arana, Mariano Ornelas Lopez
Long Term Generation Planning; A Sensitivity Analysis to Promote Alternative Renewable Energies ("Wind") Mexico Case Study; Use of Message Model - Juan Mata & Isaac Jiminez
A Model for the Integral Planning of Electric Power system and Natural Gas Transportation Networks - R. Nieva, J. A. Hernandez, J. L. Ceciliano, E. de la Torre, Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas
Assessing the impacts of shutdown of TEPCOs nuclear reactors on CO2 emission in the Japan s electricity sector - Shuichi Ashina and Toshihiko Nakata
General Overview and perspectives of the Mexican Energy Industry Regulatory Framework - Francisco de Rosenzweig and Guillermo Gutierrez Amante
Supply Security, Capacity Payments and Electricity Spot Market Prices - Eirik S. Amundsen and Lars Bergman
Economic Integration of Energy Markets - Bruce T. Laxdal
The US Spent Nuclear Fuel Legacy and The Sustainability of Nuclear Power - Lorna A. Greening and Erich Schneider
Evolving Impact of Environmental Laws on Cross border Power Between Mexico and the United States - Jeffrey Barron
Electricity in Mexico When doing the right thing is not enough - Luis Fonseca
Reforming Power Markets Lessons from Five Developing Countries - David G. Victor
The Political Economy of Energy Reform in Mexico - David G. Victor, Victor G. Carreon, Armando Jimenez
Restructuring and Regulatory Trends in Electricity Industries - Francisco de Rosenzweig
A Merchant Mechanism for Electricity Transmission Expansion - Tarjei Kristiansen and Juan Rosellon
A Model for the Integral Planning of Electric Power Systems and Natural Gas Transportation Networks - R. Nieva, J. A. Hernández, J. L. Ceciliano, and E. de la Torre
Economies of scale in power - Atsushi Iimi
Transmission Network Ownership Market Efficiency and Succes or Collapse of Reforms in the Electricity Sector - Nathalie Collin Sisteron.pdf
Integrating Electricity and Environmental Markets Problems and Solutions from the US Experience - Paul J. Hibbard
A Market Oriented Mechanism For Managing Oil Prices - Sharif Ghalib
Drivers of Non-OPEC Supply - Michael C. Lynch
Less Volatile Crude Oil Price Supply Rotation Control - Huei Chu Liao
The Single Equation Models Co Integration Tests and OPEC Behavior Parallel Action or Cartelization - A. F. Alhajji
Inconsistency of Policies and Oil Shocks - Harold Zavarce and Luis A. Sosa
Performance and efficiency of Colombia's energy distribution system - Rodrigo Taborda
Regulation of multi product natural monopolies under political constraints - J. Eduardo Mendoza Contreras and Neil Rickman
Resource Assessment and Implementation of DLC Programs for Large Customer - Chang-Ho Rhee, KERI
The opening of European retail electricity markets to competition lessons learned from the United States - Stéven Curet
Impacto Ingeniería - Felipe Ochoa Rosso
Assessment of Electricity Generation to 2011 Using Low Sulfur Fuel Oil in Mexico - Victor Bazán Perkins and Javier Cruz Gómez
Integrating the Electricity Markets in Mexico and US Legal Framework and Perspectives - Mariano Ornelas López
Evaluation of Future Availability of Primary Fuel Cell Feedstocks - Daniel Augusto Betts

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