International Association for Energy Economics Newsletter

Published by the Energy Economics Education Foundation, Inc.
David L. Williams Contributing Editors: Paul McArdle, Tony Scanlan and Marshall Thomas

Third Quarter 2006

Presidents Message: Pg 1 | Calendar: Pg 39

Other Newsworthy Items
Wellington Conference | Ann Arbor Conference | Robert N. McRae (1948-2006) | St John’s College Oxford Conference
In Review - 29th IAEE International Conference, Potsdam, Germany | Scenes from the Potsdam Conference | ASSA Meeting | 2007 IAEE Officer Nominees
IAEE Special Issue | The Turkish Association for Energy Economics | New Members Welcomed

Download Entire NewsletterEditor's Notes
  This issue of the IAEE Newsletter includes several keynote speeches from the Potsdam Conference as well as a summary of the meeting by Georg Erdmann.
Read "The Global Energy Scene" By Rt. Hon. Lord David Howell of Guildford
Page 5
Lord David Howell, former UK Secretary of State for Energy posits that there is no such thing as full energy security and that the best kind of security, as far as it can be obtained, comes from diversity and the ability to switch between a variety of energy sources. He further notes that the information revolution has brought a vastly greater degree of interconnectedness to the energy field. This intensifies the volatility of energy systems. He foresees difficult times ahead, an energy labyrinth, though sketches an exit from it eventually.

Read "Energy in the State of Brandenburg: Opening Speech at the Potsdam Conference" By Matthias Platzeck
Page 10
Matthias Platzeck, in the opening address at the Potsdam Conference, discusses the energy situation in the State of Brandenburg, noting the importance of the brown coal industry to the State and to Germany. He also notes the importance of renewable energies.

Read "Power to the People" By Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran
Page 17
Vijay Vaitheeswaran argues that there are three powerful trends going on that promise to rewrite the rules of the energy game: the global move toward the liberalization of energy markets, the growing popular appeal of environmentalism and the recent surge of technological innovation in areas such as hydrogen fuel cells. Together they could lead to an energy system that meets the needs and desires of future generations while also tackling serious problems like global warming and air pollution.

Read "Should OPEC Price Its Oil in a Basket of Currencies Rather Than in U.S. Dollar?" By Mamdouh G. Salameh
Page 23
Mamdouh Salameh comments that with the continued weakening of the U.S. dollar since 200 and with OPEC’s eleven members heavily reliant on oil revenues, OPEC members should seriously consider restructuring their oil-pricing policy by switching from the U.S. dollar to a basket of currencies made up of three equally-weighted currencies, namely the dollar, yen and euro. This will safeguard their oil revenues, stabilize the oil prices and also provide a better risk spread.

Read "The Ties Betwen Natural Gas and Oil Prices" By Guy Maisonnier
Page 26
Guy Maisonnier notes that on the European continent, the price of natural gas is still directly linked to the oil market. However, under deregulation, as the importance of hubs where prices are quoted increases, there is good reason to think that a gas price will emerge and become the reference price for long-term contracts.

Read "Furthering Adaptation Measures and its Synergies with Mitigation Measures" By Phillia Restiani
Page 31
Phillia Restiani, one of IAEE’s current student advisors, discusses the synergies between climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, noting that both are responses to climate change policies.

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