Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Federico Boffa, Stefano Clò, and Alessio D'Amato Title: Investment in Renewables under Uncertainty: Fitting a Feed-in Scheme into ETS Classification-JEL: F0 Volume: Volume 37 Issue: Bollino-Madlener Special Issue Year: 2016 Abstract: We analyze incentives to invest in renewable energy technologies induced by the overlap of two types of policies: feed-in schemes and carbon mitigation instruments. We find that results differ markedly depending on the specific types of policies in place, reflecting different impacts of uncertainty. As a result, the recent reform to the EU-ETS system that has established the Market Stability Reserve (MSR), effective in 2019, requires to appropriately fine-tune the direct RES-E support schemes. We show that this may involve moving away from feed-in tariffs towards feed-in premia. Our results suggest that the schemes currently adopted in Germany and in Italy, broadly based on feed-in premia for large generators and on feed-in tariffs for the small ones, could well fit also the post-MSR EU carbon mitigation policy. To the contrary, other countries (e.g. France and the U.K.) may have to modify their support schemes as the MSR will become operational. Handle: RePEc:aen:journl:ej37-si2-Boffa File-URL: http://www.iaee.org/en/publications/ejarticle.aspx?id=2733 File-Format: text/html File-Restriction: Access to full text is restricted to IAEE members and subscribers.